Understand Causes Of Hair Loss In Women more

Today where going to take 10 minutes and talk about the effects and causes of hair loss in women. Women as we all know are very self-conscious about the way they look and pride themselves in their overall appearance. So as you can imagine having this condition, can become a very upsetting, daunting and dramatic experience.

A lot of people think that hair loss is mainly associated with men, but in fact almost 40% of women are also sufferers. Although the average age of women it effects is between 50 and 60 it can happen no matter what your age and can even affect teenagers. Below is a list of four of the main issues that cause this condition:

Bad Diet: Your diet and the foods you eat can also play a crucial role. A lot of foods are produced using chemicals, steroids or pesticides which can affect the body, and result in hair loss.

Medications/Drugs: There are a lot of drugs such as antidepressants, amphetamines, contraceptive pills, arthritis medications, and antibiotics that may have side effects which result in loss of hair. If you do take any prescribed medications and they are having this effect on you, please consult your doctor.

Overactive DHT Hormone: The loss of hair in women can be a hereditary condition, that is caused by the DHT hormone. This hormone is responsible for about 90% of loss in both men and women. Everybody has a certain level of DHT in their bodies as it is responsible for women's monthly cycles and produces facial hair growth in men. However when the body produces large amounts of DHT it can effect the overall growth pattern, leading to thinning of the hair.

Bad Hair Care: The majority of women spend a lot of their time styling, cutting and dying. This excessive over straightening, perming, bleaching and colouring, can damage the hair follicles and start hair loss.

There are a lot of methods, remedy's and tips of how to prevent hair loss, but are they all effective. Some of the main ways in which women deal with this condition are hair transplants, wigs, and the use of natural hair shampoos.

A lot of women get really depressed when dealing with hair loss or hair thinning, and are not quite sure about how to deal with their situation. Although hair loss is mainly associated with male Patten baldness women can also be sufferers. This is vastly overlooked, and finding help and advice can sometimes become very daunting.

I hope you have found this article helpful and now have a better understanding of the Causes Of Hair Loss Women [http://www.beautybitsandfashiontips.co.uk/category/causes-of-hair-loss-in-women] if you would like more advice on this subject visit www.beautybitsandfashiontips.co.uk [http://www.beautybitsandfashiontips.co.uk/category/causes-of-hair-loss-in-women] The Beautiful Blog for Beautiful Women.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Examine Reasons For Hair Loss In Women Revealed a lot more

Especially for women hair loss can be extremely difficult to accept and deal with. But, contrary to well-known belief, hair loss in women is not all that uncommon. In reality, more women than ever are experience hair fall today. Additionally, the reasons for hair loss in women are different from the causes of balding in men. Anyway, you can take steps to prevent it or diminish its severity if you understand the usual causes of this condition.

The Most Usual Reason of Hair Loss in Women - Androgenetic Alopecia

Since women's bodies work differently than men's, the most common cause can be boiled down to this: imbalanced hormones.

Alteration in hormone levels, such as those seen with pregnancy, menopause, thyroid conditions, or hormone replacement therapy or the stopping or starting of birth control pills, can determine temporary hair fall in women. When estrogen and testosterone are produced faster or their production is reduced, women may experience thinning hair. Heredity also plays a primary role in Andogenetic Alopecia.

Trauma to the body - Telogen Effluvium

Types of trauma cover severe infections, major surgery, extreme stress, malnutrition and giving birth.The hair is affected in proportion of 90 percent. During this period, six weeks to three months after the trauma has occurred, the hair falls out. As long as the trauma to the body has been attenuated, Telogen Effluvium is reversible.

Traction Alopecia

Traction Alopecia shows up when the hair follicles are continuously being degraded, usually a result of very tight hair styles or always wearing the hair pulled back. Hair will regrow without any problems, when Traction Alopecia is caught early.

Low Thyroid Function - Menopause

Menopause is another one of the most common causes of hair fall in women. Low thyroid function is quite usual along menopausal women, and many menopausal women experience some form of hair loss. In menopausal women, an increase in testosterone and various medications can lead to hair loss. When the testosterone is converted into DHT the compound attacks hair follicles and causes baldness.

As you can see most of the causes of hair loss in women are temporary. To eliminate the situation, following a healthy diet plan to ensure that your body is getting the suitable nutrients it needs to promote the best hair growth, it's a good choice. As well, add an exercise program to your plan and can reduce the chances of hair fall.

The causes of hair loss in women are multiple but, once you understand them and your options, they are usually temporary and easier to control.

Hair Loss In Women

For more information visit: [http://www.myhairlosssolution.info].

While all fight with expensive hair loss products, get your hands on some special paths to struggle against baldness and grow your hair back naturally by visiting: [http://www.myhairlosssolution.info].

Reasons For Hair Loss In Women Revealed

Hair Loss In Women

Go through Diabetes and Hair Loss in Women more

Diabetes is an illness where the glucose level in your bloodstream exceeds the normal level. This is a condition that you should control through exercise, medication as well as diet. Proper control of diabetes is important to prevent complications such as vascular problems, heart attack, stroke or alopecia. One result of complications from diabetes that you may not realize is hair loss. In women, this can indicate an advanced stage of diabetes or indicate diabetes in an undiagnosed individual. Therefore, you should be more cautious if you lose excessive hair since it can indicate a more serious health problem.

Women, men and children have around 100,000 hair strands on their heads. Normally, people lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair each day. If you lose hairs in excess of this normal level, it can be the result of health problems such as diabetes. It can also be the result of the use of certain medications, hormonal changes, thyroid problems and poor nutrition. When you see that hair loss is occurring, it is recommended to consult your physician about this condition. It is important to know the factors that probably the cause behind this condition. Then, you can take the necessary treatment to prevent more hair loss.

Facts about Hair Loss in Diabetics

Diabetics may experience anxiety and stress as the result of their condition. Hair loss is the manifestation of such stress and anxiety. In addition, the condition can also slow down your hair growth and thin the strands. These effects are often associated with stress and response to medications.

When your glucose level is higher than the normal, it can also affect your blood flow. The blood flow to certain parts of your body can be reduced. In the end, it will affect the oxygen and nutrient delivery. Compared to other parts of the body, your scalp is a part that gets one of the least amounts of blood flow. When your blood flow is reduced, your scalp receives the needed nutrients to produce healthy hair.

Women with diabetes typically have hair loss since it is related to the fluctuating hormone levels. They also have problems with their immune system due to the high glucose level. Their immune system has greater difficulty reacting against infections especially on the scalp. The scalp is also more prone to fungal diseases that include ringworm and other bacteria. This can also cause hair loss problems.

How to Control

You don't need to worry if you lose excessive hair due to diabetes. This medical problem can actually be managed. Following a proper diet is one of the ways to control your glucose level. Doing regular exercise and maintaining the ideal weight are also important in your effort to prevent complications from diabetes. In some cases, it may be necessary to take insulin or other medication to control the glucose level. These steps can help you reduce hair loss caused by diabetes. In addition, medical treatment is also needed to treat fungal infections caused by diabetes.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Diabetes and Hair Loss in Women

Examine Baldness Facts - Hair Loss in Men and Women much more

Baldness Facts - Hair Loss in Men and Women

Hair Loss In Women

Hair Loss In Women

The problem of hair loss is first noticeable in terms of thinning hair and eventually it progresses to partial or complete baldness. A large number of men and women are affected with hair loss. The problem becomes quite bothersome especially when it strikes people at young age. This is because many men and women lose self confidence along with their hair loss.

The attractiveness of their face and overall personality diminishes and they start looking older than their age. While some people tend to take hair loss in their stride, many others become extremely conscious about their hair loss. They tend to feel nervous especially when meeting people of opposite sex. Read this article to learn about important facts regarding the causes of hair loss in men and women.

Fact 1 - Baldness affects men

Hair loss affects both men and women however, women are fortunate in the sense that they may not experience total baldness. In men, the main cause of baldness is the condition known as androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. This is caused because of an increase in the levels of DHT in the body.

Unnaturally high levels of DHT cause the hair follicle to shrink so that the growth of new hair is inhibited. The DHT is formed in the body due to the action of enzyme type II 5-alpha reductase on male sex hormone testosterone. The male pattern baldness may progress to partial or complete baldness in men. Though women also suffer from androgenetic alopecia the condition rarely leads to total baldness. In women, the hair becomes thinner all over the head but the hairline does not recede.

Fact 2 - Estrogen may help women

Though women don't become bald they may suffer from significant overall thinning and a reduction in hair shaft diameter. In women, the thinning of hair is particularly more profound around the forehead and crown of the scalp as they age.

Most women tend to suffer from hair loss in their 40s or with the onset of menopause. In fact, the majority of women report hair loss after menopause. This is because estrogen levels decline in the skin with age.

Prior to the onset of menopause, various forms of estrogen block the conversion of testosterone into DHT. This helps to keep the DHT levels low in the body. However, when a woman reaches the menopausal stage, her estrogen levels begins to decline hence more testosterone is then bio-available to be converted to DHT, this results in a shorter hair growth cycle, finer hair and eventually, general shedding of hair. In addition, as women enter their 80s and 90s, the follicle itself can shrink and stop producing hair completely. Therefore estrogen therapy can help control hair loss in post-menopausal women.

Fact 3 - There are many causes of baldness or hair loss

Apart from increased levels of DHT, various factors may cause hair loss in men and women. Some of the leading causes include -

- Hereditary factors; baldness may run in families
- Exposure to harmful chemicals
- Environmental pollution
- Very tight hairstyles
- Menopause
- Because of hormonal changes after delivery of a child
- Stress, depression
- Effects of certain medicines and medical conditions
- Iron deficiency may also cause thinning of the hair
- Radiotherapy applied to the head for the treatment of certain cancers can cause baldness of the irradiated areas
- Hypothyroidism can cause hair loss, typically frontal
- Hyperthyroidism can also cause loss of hair which is parietal rather than frontal


Hairs are an important part of your personality. They help to make you look attractive and give you self-confidence. It is important to take care of your hair. You can take care of your hair by taking a well-balanced diet, keeping your hair clean and well-combed, keeping them free of dandruff, by reducing stress in your life and by doing regular physical exercise.

If you notice excessive hair fall, consult your doctor immediately. If you start the treatment early, you can control hair fall to a considerable extent. There are various effective treatments available for both men and women. You may also browse for hair loss treatments online. Do a little research to find out which treatment will be most effective for you.

Author of this article also provides information on Provillus for women and HairMax Lasercomb Advanced 7

Read through Steps That Can Be Taken To Reduce Unnatural Hair Loss In Women extra

Steps That Can Be Taken To Reduce Unnatural Hair Loss In Women

Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss among women can be very common with age. Many women notice more hair than usual in the bathtub drain, stuck to furniture or clothing, or caught in their brush. Although this is somewhat alarming, it is very common and there are steps that can be taken to remedy the situation.

First of all, a certain amount of hair loss is completely normal. According to Rebecca Caserio, M.D of the University of Pittsburgh, most hair lives three to six years. At the end of their life cycle these hairs go into a resting period for three months and then simply fall out. New hairs then grow into these roots. Since we do not lose all of our hair at once, different strands of hair are at different points in their life cycle.

Hair is lost at a rate of 50 to 100 hairs daily. Stresses on the body and changes in the hormonal cycle can trigger more hair loss. This includes, but is not limited to: menopause, pregnancy, hormone changes from birth control or other hormone based medications, severe dandruff or scalp problems, and iron or protein deficiencies. According to Dr. Caserio, dramatic, temporary hair loss of up to 50% can also occur due to serious illness or physical stress. However, these cases are very extreme.

If hair loss is abnormal or accompanied by facial hair, changed or abnormal periods or changes in voice, it may be a sign of hormonal changes. If so, it is time to see a doctor.

Hair loss experienced as a thinning at the crown of the head, known as female pattern baldness (similar to male pattern baldness) is less likely to be the symptom of a medical condition and is most likely caused by genetics. Similar to men, women can inherit baldness. This can be inherited from either parent. However, the social stigma for women and the emotional toll exacted can be far greater. Female pattern baldness can be treated with Minoxidil (Rogaine) in either over the counter or prescription form. Consult with a doctor to find out of you are a good candidate.

There are other options for slowing, reversing, and managing hair loss. These methods are designed primarily for healthy women who are not experiencing hair loss as a result of a medical condition. The following tips can be used to hold on to the hair you have and encourage re-growth.

1. Take care

Be very gentle with your hair and scalp. Do not shampoo hair more than once daily. Do not repeat with a second lather. When massaging shampoo, make sure to rub your scalp gently. The best shampoo to use is a very mild baby shampoo. Follow this with a light detangling leave-in conditioner.

2. Air dry

Letting your hair air dry is much better if you are experiencing hair loss. Do not towel dry hair vigorously and if you must, use a blow dryer on a low setting.

3. Style with Care

Wait until your hair is dry to style. Brushing or combing wet or damp hair can cause stretch and breakage.

4. Switch it up

Change shampoo brands at the beginning of every season. According to Dr. Bihova this may prevent some shedding.

5. Never tease

Teasing or backcombing hair is not recommended even for women without hair loss problems. Teasing breaks hair and can even contribute to the appearance of hair loss.

6. Color treat and perm with care

Perming and color treating, when done incorrectly can cause severe hair breakage. Hair can break very close to the scalp and even cause the appearance of complete hair loss in that follicle. If you suffer from hair loss make sure to read and follow all product instructions with the utmost of care.

In addition to daily care, hair loss in women can be helped with some dietary changes. Make sure to get enough lean, healthy protein (chicken or fish are good choices). Protein is needed by the cells that make hair in order to work efficiently. Iron deficient anemia can cause hair loss, so make sure to get enough iron in your diet. Eat two servings of iron rich foods daily (tofu, clams, soybeans, broccoli, etc.). In addition, according to Dr. Caserio, 100 milligrams daily of vitamin B6 can also been helpful. However, larger amounts and prolonged use can be toxic, so check with your doctor.

Want to learn more about Female Hair Loss [http://www.hair-loss-land.info/Articles/Hair_Loss_Remedies.php]?, feel free to visit us at: [http://www.hair-loss-land.info/Articles/Hair_Loss_Remedies.php]

Study Hair Loss - Over the Counter Treatments much more

You may have asked, "what is available for hair loss prevention and re-growth that can be purchased over the counter?" It is sometimes confusing and embarrassing to find the answer to this question. Here we will discover what is available and what works.

The most popular over-the-counter hair restoration drug today is Rogaine®, a brand of topical monoxidil solution by Pfizer Corporation, approved for over the counter sale in 1997 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Monoxidil was originally used as a blood pressure medication, and then doctors found that it produced the side effect of increased scalp hair growth.

Today monoxidil remains the only FDA approved pharmaceutical topical solution proven to grow hair. In the preliminary studies held in 1985, 55% of men tested were able to re-grow hair with extra strength Rogaine® (5% topical monoxidil treatment), although the best results came from those who had been balding for less than 10 years and were bald in a section of four inches across or less.

Another test study compared the results of regular strength Rogaine® (2% topical monoxidil solution) with the extra strength version, and found that subjects grew 45% more hair with the extra strength Rogaine® than with the regular strength Rogaine®, and users of both solutions outgrew the users of the placebo. Only 6% of those tested experienced any type of irritation.

Rogaine® works by blocking the production of DHT. Of course there are generic brands of topical monoxidil solution also on the market. Rogaine® was originally made only for men's use, and then a women's version of the drug was produced. Similar results were achieved with the women's version. As with both men's and women's versions, users must take note that continuous use of the drug is necessary to maintain the newly grown hair, as it is a usual reaction for newly growing hair to stop growing and fall out when one ceases to use the drug. As with any drug, follow all directions and cease to use if irritation or discomfort persists.

Of course many people choose not to use drugs to treat conditions, because they want to avoid the use of chemicals and their possible side effects. In this case, there are several treatments in existence that have been found to block the production of DHT and thus work similarly to topical monoxidil products.

Saw Palmetto has been used effectively to block DHT in the treatment of prostatic disease and is now being explored for its effectiveness in stimulating hair growth. Traditionally, it has been used by herbalists to stimulate hair growth effectively. Saw Palmetto can be used by men and some women.

Nettles, usually taken in the form of Nettle Root Extract has shown itself to be effective in preventing hair loss as well. More information is available on nettles and it's use.

Hair Loss

This is just three tips to stop hair loss and help to re-grow your hair. You can learn how to use less than $15 of grocery store items to stop hair loss and re-grow hair at Hair Loss Prevention and Re-growth [http://hairloss.kteweb.com] Information found at [http://hairloss.kteweb.com]

Hair Loss - Over the Counter Treatments

Hair Loss

Understand Cause Of Hair Loss In Women - The Role of DHT & Sebum a lot more

Hair Loss In Women

DHT & Sebum appear as main culprits when searching for the cause of hair loss in women.

According to some estimates, hair loss in women affects one in four women in the U.S.A. alone.

It can be very distressing for a woman, not least because it is so misunderstood and often fails to elicit sympathy from those closest to her. Hair loss in women is usually not so severe as hair loss in men.

Although the numbers of men and women experience hair loss or thinning hair is roughly equal, the degree of thinning is usually less for women.

Male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness are terms used to describe the hair loss and both conditions are known as androgenetic alopecia.

This term means hair loss caused by sensitivity to male hormones which exist in both men and women. DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is one of the main enemies in the Hair loss in women war.

DHT is a combination of testosterone and androgen receptors mixed with sebum and dirt particles. DHT has a disastrous effect on the hair follicle so it begins to shut down and the hair eventually falls out. (Sebum is a fatty substance secreted from the sebaceous glands most of which open into hair follicles.)

Sebum buildup in the follicles attacks the hair bulb, the rounded area at the end of a hair strand which is rooted in the follicle. Sebum causes the hair bulb to shrink so the hair is not as well rooted.

After the hair falls out the new hair strand growing in that follicle is weaker and thinner and the process is repeated until the hair follicle is so damaged it dies.

Many products on the market therefore try and address this problem by effectively cleaning out the Sebum and dirt from the hair follicles.

Women often notice their own hair loss much sooner than it becomes visible to others. By the general feel, texture, and body of their hair, they realize it is getting thin.

Often, just behind the hairline, they notice a roundish shaped area that gets very thin. This rings alarm bells and those women then search out the best treatment.

When researching the main cause of hair loss in women pay attention to the role of DHT and sebum. Understanding how they affect the hair follicle can help in developing a strategy to cope with hair loss.

Recommendation: The NewHair Biofactors system stops hair loss within 1 week guaranteed! This hair care range from Nisim International, leaders in hair science for over 20 years, also assists in the growth of new hair. Click here for full details:


Speed up hair growth:


Hair Loss & Hair Transplant Research:


Cause Of Hair Loss In Women - The Role of DHT & Sebum

Hair Loss In Women

Read through What Are Causes of Hair Loss in Women? Remedies For Female Hair Loss more

Causes of Female Hair Loss

What causes women to lose their hair? Let's face it. Excessive hair strands loss is a problem that many of us are experiencing nowadays. In fact, studies have shown that more than 60% of the men and women in American faces the prospect of receding hairline when they ages. But what is it that cause hair to fall from their head? Is there anything you do to stop further hair loss?

As a matter of fact, it is a normal for women to shred up to 50 strands to 100 strands daily. However, when it goes beyond that, then it could well be a case of excessive hair loss. Our hair strands grows about half an inch each month. In addition to that, there are several hair growth cycle that can range from a short few weeks to even up to a few years before it starts to naturally fall out.

This cycle of grow and shredding takes place whether you are young or old. However, these cycle can be disrupted by hormonal changes, age, diseases or any other factors. In fact, hormonal changes such as menopause are found to cause rapid hair losses in more than 40% of women who suffered from thinning hair.

Another more common cause for female hair loss is called Alopecia, or Female Pattern Baldness. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, this affects up to more than 50 percent of women when they reach their fifties. This type of hair loss is linked to hereditary and frankly it's not easily detectable.

So what are the best methods of treatment for female hair loss? Well, here are some tips you can try to prevent further hair diminishing.

Natural Herbs

Make use of natural plants extract such as Horsetail. This herb has been around for hundred of years and has been found to be highly effective in promoting health scalp.

Para-Amino Benzoic Acid

A non-protein amino acid, this substance is well known for enhancing the skin. However, it is a nutritional ingredient that can help you to prevent graying tresses and to stimulate hair regrowth.


This nutrient is immensely important for hair heath. It is used frequently to curb extreme hair loss and has been used in many hair care products. A deficiency of this nutrient can result in damaged and brittle hair, and leading to hair falling from the head in the longer term.

Hair Loss Lotion

If you hair is thinning not because of pregnancy or medications, then using a hair regrowth lotion that contains Minoxidil (an FDA approved ingredient) would certainly help. All you need to do is to apply the solution to your scalp day and night. The ingredient will then work on your hair follicles to generate healthy hair growth.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

And now, I want to share with you an all-natural, dermatologist-formulated solution to help slow thinning hair in both men and women. This wonderful hair loss remedy helps stop hair loss and stimulates healthy hair growth so you can grow new hair naturally.

If you're tired of thinning hair and are still looking for the best hair loss product on the market today, then you need to check this out. It's one of the safest and most powerful natural anti-DHT hair loss solutions available, and it is a natural alternative to pharmaceutical hair loss treatment products. For more information, visit my site at http://hairloss101tips.blogspot.com now.

What Are Causes of Hair Loss in Women? Remedies For Female Hair Loss

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Go through Hair Loss in Women - The Causes far more

Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss is believed to be a predominantly male problem but a growing number of today's women are losing their hair because of too much brushing, bleaching and styling.

Considered as a woman's crowning glory, many women spend too much time taking care of their hair and unconsciously damaging it in the process. The use of chemicals for dyeing, tinting or bleaching can weaken hair and may ultimately cause it to break. Contrary to popular belief, brushing your hair one hundred times a day won't make your hair shine; it actually destroys the hair!

Fortunately, hair loss in these cases can be treated. It can be remedied by following good hair habits such as avoiding tight pony-tails, curlers and strong chemicals and staying out of the sun whenever possible. Also, it might be a good idea to towel dry hair gently instead of rubbing it vigorously after showering.

It is normal for some hair to fall every day while new ones grow. The situation only becomes imbalanced when the rate of expelling old hair is faster than producing new ones. Abnormal hormone secretions, stress, medication and nutritional deficiencies can cause temporary hair loss.

Hair loss (excessive falling and thinning hair) can also follow childbirth, a high fever, surgery or an underlying medical problem. Once these conditions are corrected hair will grow back in few months.

Permanent hair loss, on the other hand, is caused by the weakening of the base of the root where the hair is born. The majority of permanent hair loss cases are caused by excess sebum production that blocks the growth of new hair. Treating cases like these may take anywhere from two months to a year, depending on the case.

For healthier sebum glands, a product that contains algae extract whose active ingredient is spirulina is highly recommended. The algae extracts work by absorbing excess sebum, regulating oily scalp and softening the dry ends.

In fifty-percent of women, however hair loss is permanent because of age, changing hormones and heredity. This condition is called female pattern baldness and it may first become apparent by age 25 to 30.

Unlike male-pattern baldness, female-pattern baldness starts on top of the head where women part their hair. Women won't develop a receding hairline but their hairs gradually become fewer and shorter.

For these women, a topical 5 percent minoxidil solution can help. Minoxidil is a medically proven hair-restorer approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The drug was originally prescribed for hypertension but studies show that it produced moderate to dense hair regrowth in 26% of men between 18 and 49 and in 19% of women aged 18-45 after four months of treatment. Another study showed minoxidil helped hair to grow in 149 or 86% of 173 males suffering from moderate to severe baldness.

Minoxidil works by stimulating hair cells to produce longer and thicker hair. It also increases blood flow to the hair follicles. People using minoxidil report a noticeable decrease in shedding of hair. This means good news for those worried about hair loss!

To benefit from minoxidil, it must be used twice daily for three to six months. The 5 percent formulation is the most potent form.

Other recommended treatments for hair loss are:

o To treat hair loss caused by improper diet, increase your daily intake of vegetables, sprouts, fruits, milk and salad. Eat foods that are rich in protein like soya beans, nuts, buttermilk, wheat germ and yeast. Iodine rich food is also important to improve blood circulation in the scalp.

o Natural remedies like oil or extracts from plants can provide invaluable help. Here are some homemade recipes.

- Castor oil. Massage hair and scalp with warm castor oil for fifteen minutes. Cover the head with shower cap then rinse after one hour.

- Reetha. Soak it overnight in water then boil the mixture for ten to fifteen minutes. Get the water from the seeds and apply to hair.

- Coconut milk and lemon juice. Mix well and massage into the scalp.

- Neem Leaves. Boil neem leaves. Cool and use as hair rinse.

- Egg white. Massage into the scalp; dry it first before rinsing well.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Hair Loss

Hair Loss in Women - The Causes

Read Hair Loss in Women and Its Causes extra

Hair Loss in Women and Its Causes

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women is a common problem. Women are usually unable to cope up with this problem because they feel that beautiful hair is an integral part of overall beauty.

There may be several causes for hair loss in women. Once we find out the real cause of hair fall in an individual, it becomes easy to provide an effective treatment and re-grow the hair from the affected area.

Here are some of the major reasons for hair loss in women:

a) Genetics

Genetics play a major role in the type of hair you have on your scalp. If you have a family history of hair fall then there are greater chances for you to suffer from the same problem. Check with your family and know about the history of hair fall.

b) Stress

Any kind of stress is bad for hair health. If you are suffering from emotional or physical stress, hair fall will follow as a consequence.

c) Hormonal imbalance

If you are suffering from androgen sensitivity, chances are that your hair will fall. Hormonal balance can be a big problem with hair growth. It can ultimately result in hair loss.

d) Cosmetics

Use of harsh chemicals and cosmetics is not good for overall health of hair. Certain chemicals may damage your scalp and eventually result in major hair fall. Excessive use of styling gels, scrums, topical creams, chemical based shampoos and dyes are not good for scalp and hair. These are the major elements of hair loss.

e) Health disorders

If you suffer from thyroid problem or are anemic, then there are chances that you suffer from major hair loss. Hence, it is important to keep a check on your overall health if you want to save your hair.

f) Drugs

If you are on medication, it would be wise to consult a trichologist. Certain drug may interact with the activities of scalp or interrupt the blood flow to the scalp. This becomes one of the main causes of hair fall.

g) Nutritional deficiencies

Deficiency of iron or vitamin A can result in major amount of hair loss. Healthy hair needs good nutrition in the form of vitamin A, C, B, E, foliate and Biotin. Make sure that you are getting adequate amount of nutritional value on a daily basis. Also consult your health care practitioner for prescription of supplements of iron and vitamin A.

h) Scalp infection

Scalp infection may cause a lot of trouble in the form of excessive itching, dandruff, patchiness, flakiness and hair fall. To promote healthy hair growth and prevent hair fall, the scalp needs to be infection free and squeaky clean. Also check your hair for traces of dandruff.

i) Surgery

Any type of surgery that you have undergone may result in hair loss. It is important to consult a professional to find the real cause of hair loss.

j) Radiation / chemotherapy

Patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy may suffer from hair loss as side effect. Consult your doctor in charge to provide you a treatment for hair fall due to radiation or chemotherapy.

k) Hair styles
Trying your hair tight or using harsh hair accessories may also result in temporary hair fall.

l) Shampoo

Using a shampoo that doesn't suit your hair type or contains some harsh chemicals can result in major hair loss.

Finding out the real cause for hair loss will prevent permanent damage to your scalp.

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about Hair Loss please visit HAIR LOSS INSIGHTS and HAIR LOSS ADVICE and VITAMINS MINERALS

Go through Hair Loss in Women Over 40 - What You Can Do About It extra

Everyone's hair thins out to a degree as we age. We're aging, and so is our hair. The number one complaint from second act women, after sagging skin, is thinning hair. 

More than 20 million women in the United States alone suffer from some form of "female pattern baldness." Consequently, a big question in my chair is, "How can I make my hair appear fuller?" It's likely, if you want volume (or height), you are going to have to lift your arms above your shoulders and spend sometime creating it. Some time is not an hour. Some time is 15 to 20 minutes. When hair starts to thin, we often cannot rely on a good haircut alone. Hairdressers can't just cut "height" in to your hair. To make thinning hair look thicker it takes us both working together.

The most common cause of thinning hair in women is hereditary hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia. In fact, 95 percent of all hair thinning in women can be put down to hereditary hair loss. Few women have heard about this condition and even fewer realize that this may be the cause of their hair loss.

The word 'alopecia' is used to describe types of significant hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia describes hair loss that is caused by androgens, which are hormones present in everyone, man or woman. Hormone changes affect many things, including hereditary hair loss. Specifically, it is your genetic sensitivity to the male hormone testosterone that is the key. The testosterone is converted to a more potent hormone called dihydrotestosterone, which causes sensitive hairs and follicles to become smaller.

Why Hair Thins Out

Normally, each of your hairs grows for two to seven years, takes a three-month "rest," and then falls out to make room for new hair. But if you have a genetic predisposition to thinning locks, your hair follicles may become more sensitive to the male hormone testosterone sometime in your twenties or thirties, or even in your teens. (It's not that you produce more testosterone than other women; the hormone just affects you differently.) Over time, your follicles shrink and can produce only finer, shorter, weaker hairs, or none at all. In some women, the process accelerates at menopause, when natural estrogen levels decline.

This is why you may notice short hairs that never seem to grow, particularly around the hairline and center part. You know the "little fuzzies" that you see at the top of your head. A reason why adding layers and texture helps create the illusion that those fuzzies are supposed to be there, rather than oddly shorter than the rest of the hair.

What Can Be Done for Thinning Hair?

The three common methods for treating hair loss are medical, surgical, and cosmetic. Medically, the topical drug minoxidil is used to stop hair follicles from shrinking in about 60 percent of the women who try rubbing it into their scalps twice a day. About two-thirds of those women will also see some regrowth within eight months, although the new hair is usually much finer than the old.

Medical therapy is more effective at stopping the progression of hair loss than regrowing already lost hair, but a lucky percentage of patients may see some significant regrowth. Minoxidil is available without a prescription, but you must use it continually for the rest of your life to maintain any new hair growth. Hair loss will begin again within a few months after minoxidil treatment is stopped. Some women find that the solution causes itching or headaches.

Minoxidil is the only drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for female-pattern hair loss. Finasteride, a prescription pill that functions by moderating testosterone levels, seems to work only in men. It is not safe for women.

Hair restoration surgery is another option for women, although it works best if you happen to be thinning out primarily on top, as men do. A surgeon removes hair from a denser area on your head and transplants the follicles individually to wherever you need them most. Surgical treatment has progressed dramatically over the past 10 years, and now the most advanced surgical technique is follicular unit transplantation, which consists of replacing lost hair with microscopically obtained, tiny, natural-looking units of only one to three hairs each. It is so natural that, when done properly, even delicate areas such as eyebrows and eyelashes can be recreated. You can expect to pay between $4,000 and $30,000 over time.

Finally, cosmetic enhancement is the use of products such as thickener, concealer, and techniques that create the illusion that your hair is thicker than it actually is. As you read further you will discover the most effective cosmetic treatments available today.

 Need volume? Here is what works.

o    Back-combing: No, it doesn't damage your hair. No, it won't look like a beehive if you do it right. Learn how. It will always and forever give you control over that split in the crown.

o    Styling products like mousse are often best applied just to the scalp and root area.

o    Blow dry your hair in every direction with tension (pulling hair strongly away from the scalp with a brush or your fingers) with heat at the scalp, and voila, Volume! Bending "upside down" will help, but only if you also use tension with a brush or your fingers so the hair dries pulled 90 degrees from the scalp.

o    Volumizing products do temporarily plump the hair shaft. You get more volume. More tangles, but more volume. They can also weigh certain fine hair types down.

o    Velcro rollers: On dry hair: set, spray with hairspray, heat with the blow dryer, allow to cool. Poof! Volume. Back comb for more.

o    Curlers: Rollers, magnetic rollers, rags, bendies, anything you wrap wet hair around and allow to form to that shape will add volume through wave or curl.

o    Hot rollers: Always make sure the ends are neatly wrapped to avoid "fish hooks."

o    Curling iron: Start at the base of the hair, over direct up and away from the direction your are rolling for lift at the scalp, roll then up and close the clamp slightly to click the hair through, heat, release, allow to cool before styling.

o    Round Brush utilizes the same concept as Velcro rollers. The more you heat and lift the hair at the scalp and allow to cool before removing the brush, the more volume created.

Creating Illusion Through Shadow

One of the simplest but least used techniques for creating the illusion you have thicker hair is to fill in the hairline or scalp area with scalp shader. Like brows with brow color and lashes with liner, your hair will look thicker when you conceal the scalp with color that matches your hair.

There are several scalp shaders on the market. My favorite is a product called Dermatch. Simply apply the shadow-like powder to thinning areas and voila - the illusion of thicker hair. This is particularly effective at hairline, temples, hair part, and that nasty split in the crown. Also great for men.

Hair Loss In Women

There is much you can do to look your best for the rest of your life. Thicker hair is just the beginning. Check out some of my dramatic before and after makeovers at http://www.themakeoverguy.com/hopkins-makeovers-gallery.htm

Known as "The Makeover Guy," Christopher Hopkins has been featured on Oprah, The Today Show and is the author of "Staging Your Comeback, A Complete Beauty Revival for Women Over 45." Discover more from Christopher at http://www.themakeoverguy.com/blog/

Hair Loss in Women Over 40 - What You Can Do About It

Hair Loss In Women

Study Children's Hair Loss - Types of Hair Loss in Infants and Children additional

It's natural for parents to become alarmed when they see locks of their babies hair falling out. Almost all newborns lose some (or all) of their hair during the first six months of life. This is a normal process. In most cases the hair eventually grows back, although the new hair may be a completely different color and texture than at birth!

A common condition, that may cause hair loss in infants is cradle cap. Cradle cap mainly affects infants between the ages of two to six months; causing a crusty, scaling scalp rash. Left untreated, cradle cap often clears up within several months. In severe cases it can cause itching and hair loss, and may also spread to other areas of the body.

Other forms of hair loss affecting infants are rare. They are often congenital in nature and may include hair shaft defects. As the child gets older they become more susceptible to various types of hair loss. After discussing the rare forms of hair loss which can affect infants and children, the more common forms will be addressed.

Congenital Atrichia

With congenital atrichia a child could be born with apparently normal hair; but once it enters the first resting period the hair falls out, and the entire growth process shuts down. In order for hair to grow, certain cells must stay in close contact with each other to transmit and receive signals necessary to keep the hair growth cycle functioning. With this condition the cellular communication gets disconnected, deactivating the hair growth cycle.

Loose Anagen Syndrome

This type of hair loss is most typical in small children with sparse fine hair that can easily be pulled out. It mostly affects girls with light hair. The hair usually does not grow past the nape of the neck. Under a microscope the hairs appear to lack an inner and outer root sheath and have a ruffled cuticle.

Triangular Alopecia

This is a pattern of hair loss that occurs in the temporal area on one or both sides and is usually in a triangular shape. The absence of hair in this area is present at birth or just after. It is permanent and irreversible but is not progressive. The shape and size of the bald area remains the same throughout lifetime.

Pili Torti

This condition can be congenital or acquired. It is most common in girls who have thin blonde hair. There is a rigid twisting of the hair fibers which leads to fractures in the cuticle and internal cortex layer of the hair shaft. The hair is dry and brittle and may stand out from the scalp. It breaks off at varying lengths.


This is a rare condition that begins in infancy. Although the infant is born with what appears to be normal vellus hair, it is soon replaced with dry, brittle hair that has a beaded appearance. The hair often breaks off even with the scalp and seldom grows longer than 2.5 cm.

Uncombable Hair Syndrome

Children with this syndrome usually have silvery blonde glass-like hair that is unruly and won't lie flat. It is difficult or impossible to comb. Because of its appearance it is also called "spun-glass hair." The hair stands away from the scalp in a disorderly fashion. Microscopic evaluation reveals a triangular (or kidney bean) shaped hair shaft with longitudinal grooving. Spontaneous improvement is often seen in later in adolescence.

The following types of hair loss are common in children aged four and older.


Contrary to its name ringworm does not come from a worm but is caused by a type of fungus called dermatophyte. It is highly contagious and can be transmitted through other people or animals. It is mostly seen on children between 4 and 11 years old. It usually begins as a small pimple that becomes larger, leaving scaly patches of baldness with an outline shaped like a ring. The hair often becomes brittle and breaks off very close to the scalp causing what is referred to as "black dot alopecia." Ringworm is also referred to as tinea capitis.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disorder which causes the hair to fall out in patches with well defined margins. The onset of alopecia areata is most common in children between four and seven years old but it can strike anybody at anytime. Alopecia areata can progress to alopecia totalis or alopecia universalis affecting total scalp and body hair.

Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia occurs from sustained tension on the scalp due to tightly pulled hairstyles. Prolonged traction causes hair to loosen from its follicular roots. Cheerleaders, dancers and other children who routinely wear these types of hairstyles are at risk. Also at risk are those who wear hair extensions-which are becoming consistently more popular. Prolonged persistent traction can cause permanent hair loss.


Trichotillomania can be translated from Greek to mean a "manic desire to pluck out one's own hair." It is an impulse control disorder that often starts in childhood. A person with this disorder will feel an overwhelming urge to pull out his or her hair. This urge causes an extreme amount of tension which continues to build until the hair is pulled.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium, also known as diffuse hair loss causes more hair than usual to retreat into the resting phase. This can be a reaction to any disturbance in the body as hair is very sensitive to changes. This type of hair loss is usually temporary and easily corrected once the problem is identified and addressed. Any type of illness, surgery or trauma can cause temporary diffuse hair loss.


Any medication can cause hair loss, even if it is not listed as a symptom. Psychopharmaceutical medications which are becoming more commonly prescribed to adolescents are known to cause hair loss in some people. Acne medications derived from vitamin A can cause hair loss. Some anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory medicines list hair loss as a side effect. Any hormonal medication such as birth control pills or steroids can cause hair loss.

Bacterial Infections

Certain bacteria and other microorganism can infect the scalp causing inflammation and hair loss. Hair loss from scalp infections may be temporary or permanent depending on the degree of damage.

Eating Disorders

Hair loss can be a symptom of any eating disorder such as anorexia nervous or bulimia.


Hair loss often occurs during times of hormonal changes. Some hair loss may occur during puberty.


There have been reports of hair loss as an adverse side effect of vaccinations, mostly associated with the hepatitis B vaccine and mostly affecting females.

Hair Loss

If you enjoyed this article and would like more information on the topic, Please visit VZ BOTANICALS Melanie Vonzabuesnig is the author of Hair Loss in Women...Getting to the Root of the Problem and Aroma Hair...Aromatherapy Formulas for Healthy Hair.

Melanie Vonzabuesnig has researched every aspect of female hair loss in order to help other women experiencing hair loss. She used aromatherapy for her own hair loss.

Children's Hair Loss - Types of Hair Loss in Infants and Children