Go through Hair Loss in Women - Facts About Hair Loss in Women much more

Hair loss in women is an unfortunate reality. Male pattern baldness is different than female pattern baldness. Treatments are different as well because of the different ingredients that affect hormones in both sexes. Causes might be slightly different for women than for men as well.

Differences in Hair problems in Women/ and Men

Hair loss in women appears as over-all thinning of the hair. It also occurs along the area where a part is placed. The hairline in women remains unchanged. Men have a receding hairline and the balding may leave them with hair on the back and sides of the head, and no hair on the top of the head. Hair style changes may help.

Treatments of Hair reduction in Women

Rogaine for Women is a product to stop hair reduction in women as well as men. Natural supplements are an option many women choose because they want to avoid side effects of the prescribed treatments.

Natural treatment for hair problems comes in supplement forms. Some of the ingredients that might be seen in natural supplements include vitamins such as B6 and Biotin; both are B-complex vitamins. PABA (para-amino-benzoic acid) is another B vitamin. It benefits protein metabolism. It is a very strong sun screen and supports healthy intestinal functions.

Minerals that have been known to benefit hair redution in women include magnesium. It helps chemical reactions in the body such as energy metabolism, protein synthesis, and neuro-muscular transmission (communication between the nerves and muscles). It supports good bone structure and hair growth.

Possible Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Hormonal changes in women such as those that occur with pregnancy, child birth, or the use of birth control. Thyroid problems too can cause hair loss in women. Serious illnesses and high fevers can also have that effect. Medications such as those received during Chemo therapy and radiation treatments will cause hair loss in most. Hormonal changes occur in men as well although the causes are obviously different.

Believe it or not how you take care of your hair is also a possible trigger. Washing it too frequently and blow drying it too frequently can result in the weakening of the hair and cause it to become brittle. Combing it when it is seriously tangled or when hair is wet can break hair shafts and literally pull some out. There is some natural loss of hair daily. If it becomes a concern for you contact your physician, s/he can advise you on the best course of action to take. Tying it back too tightly in a pony tail or wearing it up too often also can be problematic.

Stresses can cause hair to fall out. Both physical and emotional stress can cause hair to fall out. Injury, major illness, and a great loss all can be triggers. Any life event that is stressful can be a trigger. Stress can trigger nervous habits that can cause hair loss such as pulling on your hair or pulling some out or rubbing your scalp too frequently may also be a culprit in hair loss.


Hair loss in women can have a great effect on how she may view herself. Hair style changes, wigs, weaves, or hair extensions may help give the illusion of a full head of hair. Prescription treatments are available as are natural supplements to help stop and possibly reverse hair loss.

Hair Loss In Women
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Hair Loss in Women - Facts About Hair Loss in Women

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Hair Loss In Women - Causes and Cures

Hair Loss In Women

We hear a lot these days about male pattern baldness but female pattern baldness affects 1 out of every 4 women in the United States. Hair loss in women can be even more troubling than for a man. Hair loss is generally accepted as a normal part of the aging process in men, but this is not the case for women. Lack of a beautiful head of hair can be especially devastating to a woman's self-esteem.

Hereditary thinning, also called alopecia, accounts for 95% of female hair loss. While many women believe that the use of hair dryers, hot curlers, or flat irons may be causing their hair loss, this is simply not the case. Harsh hair treatments or rough handling may cause the hairs to break off near the scalp, but this is temporary and cannot cause long term hair loss.

If you are experiencing thinning hair or excessive hair loss the first thing to look at is the possibility of a hormonal imbalance. Child birth may result in sudden hair loss. Often about three months after giving birth women experience excessive hair loss. This is caused by hormones and, though it can be alarming if you aren't expecting it, it's nothing to worry about. In fact, it's just your hair returning to normal. During pregnancy the normal part of your hair growth cycle in which older hair is shed to make way for new growth is retarded by high hormone levels. After you've given birth and your hormones begin the readjust, the extra hair is shed to make way for new growth.

Another hormonal factor that can cause hair loss in women is a thyroid imbalance. An over or under active thyroid gland can cause thinning hair. Out of balance estrogen is another culprit. However, with both of these conditions, once the hormonal imbalance is corrected, the hair loss should stop. If you suspect a hormonal imbalance is causing your hair loss, talk to your doctor.

Other factors affecting hair loss are extreme weight loss or gain, illness, high fever, or drug use.

The largest factor in female hair loss, however, is menopause. Prior to menopause only about 13% of women experience thinning hair. After menopause that number jumps to 37%. The reasons are two fold. During menopause many women's hormones are all over the place, and, as we have seen, hormonal imbalance can be a major factor in female hair loss. Additionally, many women begin taking supplemental hormones during or after menopause such as Progesterone. Progesterone inhibits the development of new hair follicles making the problem worse.

But why do some women experience thinning hair while others keep their flowing locks into their 90's? As in men, some women have a genetic predisposition. What is genetically determined is the level of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme is responsible for converting testosterone, a male hormone present in small amounts in females as well, into dihydrotestostrone or DHT, the ultimate culprit in hair loss for both men and women.

The good news is that there's a lot you can do to prevent and even reverse hair loss just by giving your body the right support.

In shopping for a product to prevent and reverse thinning hair, there are certain key ingredients to look for:

* Vitamin B6 is at the top of the list. Studies have shown that B6 promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss. You want to be sure that you're getting enough.

* Biotin is, quite simply, food for your hair. It helps promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. A biotin deficiency, however, has been shown to cause hair loss.

* Magnesium is absolutely essential for hair growth and studies show that most women aren't getting enough in their diets.

* Horsetail promotes good blood circulation to the scalp which stimulates hair growth. Did your mother ever tell you to brush your hair a hundred strokes before bed each night? The old wives' tale has some truth to it. The action of brushing stimulates the scalp bringing blood to the hair follicles. Horsetail does the same thing.

* Para-aminobenzoic Acid or PABA is also important to hair growth and health. It is even capable in some cases of returning gray hair to its original color!

Thinning hair can be very distressing for women. Fortunately, unlike men, we generally just experience a general thinning and don't find ourselves going bald in large and prominently placed patches--so take heart and then do something about it. If you've ruled out hormonal imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, or hair loss due to sudden illness or weight fluctuation, chances are your thinning hair is genetic. But that doesn't mean you have to live with it. Find a quality supplement that will nourish your hair from the inside out and correct the deficiencies that are leading to female pattern baldness. You can look forward to many more years of beautiful hair.

For more information on remedies for hair loss containing the ingredients discussed in this article, please visit the totalhealthanswers.com [http://www.totalhealthanswers.com/provillus] website.

Please click here [http://www.totalhealthanswers.com/provillus] to find out more about preventing and reversing hair loss [http://www.totalhealthanswers.com/provillus].

Understand Hair Loss Stem Cell Therapy - A New Technique a lot more

Hair Loss

Since 1990s stem cells are used in many treatments. Nowadays for hair regeneration, hair loss stem cell therapy is proving to be a good technique.

First of all we need to know what stem cell is. Stem cells are the first building blocks of our body. We all started as a stem cell and then subsequently divided into millions of cells as we grew over time. Then a reverse process of decreasing stem cells starts, as we get older. The process gets faster if we suffer from diseases like heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes etc.

In stem cell therapy, stem cells are used as a replacement of damaged or dead cells in the body. On the scalp dead cells don't grow hair and the area becomes bare, which we call bald. Now if we replace the dead cells on the scalp with new ones through stem cell therapy then the bald spot can be transformed into an area full of hair. This is the basic premise of stem cell therapy for treating baldness. After using this therapy to treat baldness, particularly male pattern baldness, some have experienced good results and some have not had good results. The research is still on and hopefully the success rate will improve in the coming years.

In the scientific lab, stem cells are produced and then these cells are injected in the bald areas of the scalp. If the first attempt to generate hair does not work then the doctors try again but the result is not guaranteed as the process is at an initial stage. If you want to try stem cell therapy for hair loss you can contact a dermatologist for the purpose.

To learn more visit http://hair-care-info.blogspot.com

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Hair Loss Stem Cell Therapy - A New Technique

Go through Hair Loss in Women - Enter Mesoscalp much more

Since hair is a very important part of a woman's body image, women are more likely to go through fear and anxiety compared to their male counterparts, who regard hair loss as part of aging. "Women really look at their hair, some even cry in frustration when they see clumps of hair falling out."

Hair loss is seen to begin at a much younger age today than it did before, and affects both men and women in equal measure. If present trends are any indication, it is likely that 50 per cent of men and 40 per cent of women would suffer from thinning/loss of hair before they turn 50. The condition is particularly prominent in women as they grow older and reach menopause.

Factors contributing to hair loss are many and varied, ranging from hereditary factors to the increasing number of environmental pollutants. Erratic and faulty eating habits, eating nutritionally deficient food, illnesses, anaemia, poor blood flow to the scalp region, skin pathology, hormonal imbalances and excessive dandruff are major factors.

Mesotherapy for the hair or Mesoscalp, a revolutionary treatment developed in France that promises to aid hair re-growth in women experiencing specific type of hair loss and delay male pattern baldness in men. Originally a medical technique devised in 1952 by Frenchman Dr. Michel Pistor to treat such conditions as infectious and vascular diseases, Mesotherapy has subsequently been extremely successful in the treatment of fat reduction and the elimination of cellulite. Now, it has been discovered that Mesotherapy can be used as a prolonged treament for men and women experiencing excessive hair loss.

Mesoscalp replaces the vitamins and minerals that the body loses as with age. Vitamins such as Biotin in Mesoscalp treatments cause an increase in blood circulation to the scalp area and stimulate the hair follicles. Unlike Biotin hair supplements or other commercial preparations on the market, Mesoscalp claims positive results in just a few weeks, because the medicines are injected directly into the scalp. Hair vitamins or topical medicines can be ineffective in some cases because they are not properly absorbed by the body. Mesoscalp solves this by problem by targeting the medicine directly at the roots. Mesoscalp works by injecting small amounts of specially formulated vitamins under the skin, very close to the hair follicles, using micro-needles. This solution stimulates blood circulation and stimulates re-growth of hair.

Hair destruction and hair fall are continuous processes accompanying advancing age. Mesotherapy cannot do anything for those who are completely bald. It is neither a cure for hair loss nor can it stop natural hair fall associated with ageing. But what it does is to strengthen weakened hair follicles and help them grow into thicker hair. But mesotherapy alone is not sufficient to ensure maintenance of healthy hair state.

It has to be complemented with other healthy habits, including eating nutritious food, avoiding junk food, drinking plenty of water, tackling stressful lifestyles and nourishing the scalp with appropriate hair-care agents.

Persons seeking the treatment are checked for medical history to see if they are fit to undergo the process. They are advised not to use sauna or any other hair treatment, including application of cream or oil, for a whole day prior to the treatment. They are, however, asked to rinse the hair with shampoo.

The duration of each mesotherapy session depends on the hair condition and the person's pain threshold, but usually lasts 10 - 15 minutes. The injections do not penetrate deep into the skin, but as nearly a hundred pricks may be required at a single time, the scalp tends to become sore. A typical treatment schedule involves therapy once a week for four weeks, followed by once a fortnight for one month and finally tapered down to once a month for four months. On completion, maintenance therapy may be undertaken once every three months.

Dr Prabdeep Sohi is the Chief Cosmetic surgeon at Cosmotique, Cosmo hospital, Mohali. Cosmotique is a state of the art cosmetic surgery facility in Chandigarh and Punjab area in India. For more information log on to http://www.indiaestheticsurgery.com

Hair Loss in Women - Enter Mesoscalp

Hair Loss In Women

Understand Hair Loss in Circular Patches: Alopecia Areata far more

Alopecia areata affects one out of every 100 people, causing loss of scalp hair in well-demarcated patches, usually in a circular pattern.

Most doctors feel that alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease caused by a person's immunity that is supposed to be killing gems attacking the hair follicles and causing the hair to fall out. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, vitiligo or white patches on the skin, certain types of thyroid disease, and pernicious anemia. The vast majority of people who get alopecia areata are healthy and do not need blood tests or further medical evaluation.

Since the hair follicles are not damaged, hair loss is never permanent and a short course of any cortisone-type drugs can bring back all of the lost hair. However, immediately after a person stops taking cortisones, the hair starts to fall out again. Since cortisones do not cure the hair loss and they can have serous side effects, most doctors prescribe cortisone pills only when there is a serious need to bring the hair back temporarily. Cortisone injections into the bald spots bring the hair back only temporarily. Another treatment is to apply chemicals that act like poison ivy in causing blisters. When the blisters heal, the hair often returns. Available drugs for baldness such as monoxidil, called Rogaine, and Propecia are not very effective. Aldara may help to treat alopecia areata. Tacrolimus (brand names Protopics and Eladil)were promising treatments but doctors no longer prescribe them because of possible serious side effects. Check with your doctor.

Hair Loss

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at http://www.DrMirkin.com

Free weekly newsletter on fitness, health, and nutrition.

Hair Loss in Circular Patches: Alopecia Areata

Read through Hair Loss, Birth Control and Its Effects a lot more

There are always a few hairs that naturally fall out. It is when you notice a lot more hairs in your brush, on your pillow, or on your clothes that you might become concerned. There is a variety of things that might be causing your hair loss. Consultation with your doctor can help you to determine the cause. For many women who take oral contraceptives this is not that unusual. You should also know that a few months after starting birth control pills you may experience the loss of what seems like a lot of hair. Let's take a look at how hair loss (and) birth control is connected.

Normal Hair Growth Cycle

The hairs on your head do not all grow at the same time in the exact same way. There are 3 stages in the hair growth cycle. In the Anagen stage the hairs grow. This stage can last anywhere from 2 to 10 years and affects about 85% of your hairs at any given time. In the Catagen stage also known as the transition stage - the time between growth and rest. In this stage only about 1% of your hair and only lasts about 2 weeks. Many professionals combine this stage with the Telogen or resting stage. The Telogen stage affects only about 15% of your hairs and can last up to 6 weeks.

Hormonal Effects on Hair Loss

Hormone levels can affect hair loss in the following manner. They can cause hair loss to happen more quickly. Hormones can also accelerate hair growth of a large number of hairs at once and some months later go into the resting stage and fall out.

Estrogens during pregnancy extend the growth stage. Months after delivery the hairs that grew will all go into the resting stage and then fall out. The hairs will return to the normal growth pattern eventually.

Birth Control-Oral Contraceptive Effects

Hormone Replacement Therapy - HRT hormones contain estrogens. These can as has been mentioned accelerate the growth stage. You may find that a few months after starting HRT that your hairs begin to fall out giving the appearance of hair loss. The hairs that grew all at the same time will also go into the resting stage and eventually fall out. This will eventually end and hair will return to the normal growth cycle.

Birth Control in the form of oral contraceptives in younger women will act like HRT does in older women. If you are a younger woman you may not notice the hair growth necessarily because younger women generally have thicker hair. They will however, notice the hair loss that will likely occur a few months down the road after beginning the use of oral contraceptives.

If you are concerned about this pattern of hair loss consult your doctor. It is not recommended at this point to stop the hormones because a couple of months after you stop them you will still lose hair.


Hormones whether they are a result of pregnancy or Hormone Replacement Therapy will affect the normal hair growth pattern. Estrogens (female hormones) can speed up hair growth of many hairs all at once. At the end of pregnancy or some months later the hair that grew will go into rest and fall off. This is not a permanent condition as hair will return to the normal cycle eventually. Hair loss (from) birth control does happen but doesn't last forever.

Hair Loss

Jean Helmet is a researcher of hair loss issues effecting both men and women. To learn about a new natural hair loss remedy [http://www.hair-loss-source.com] that Jean recently discovered and how it contrasts with some other common hair treatment options - Be sure to visit the highly informational short video at: [http://www.hair-loss-source.com]

Hair Loss, Birth Control and Its Effects

Hair Loss

Examine Hair Loss and Women's Health more

Hair Loss In Women

Pattern Hair Loss In Women

Androgenetic alopecia, AGA, also known as common pattern hair loss affects approximately 20 million American women. AGA in women is triggered by similar processes to those causing pattern hair loss in men. In both genders, the onset of AGA may occur in early adulthood, though females tend to present signs and symptoms somewhat later than males.

Recent studies suggest that women with some markers of insulin resistance are at significantly increased risk of female AGA. Moreover, a paternal history of hair loss may be a strong predictor of female AGA.

Female pattern hair loss has also been linked with both hyperandrogenism and hirsutism. Most recently, female pattern hairloss has also been linked with polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS, though epidemiological documentation of this association is, as yet, not statistically compelling. Nevertheless, the association between PCOS and insulin resistance is well documented.

What actually triggers pattern hair loss in women?

From a susceptibility standpoint, the inheritance pattern in female pattern hairloss is polygenic, and the onset and incidence of the disorder closely parallels that observed in males. The disorder begins in susceptible hair follicles, where dihydrotestosterone, DHT, binds androgen receptor forming a molecular trigger that sets the process of hair loss in motion.

The 5 alpha dihydrotestosterone hormone-receptor complex translocates to the cell nucleus of susceptible hair follicles, initiating a gene activation program that starts the gradual transformation of large terminal follicles to miniaturized follicles. This process occurs within a genetically pre-determined anatomical region, or pattern of the scalp. The hair outside of this pattern remains unaffected. This is why the disorder is called pattern hair loss.

Strikingly, both females and males diagnosed with pattern hair loss have higher levels of 5-Alpha-Reductase, 5AR, in frontal hair follicles compared to occipital, back of the scalp behind the ears,. Other predisposing factors such as differential cytochrome P450 levels in susceptible versus non-susceptible hair follicles are less well clearly worked out, but may have contributory relevance as well.

The diagnosis of AGA in women is supported by a pattern of increased thinning over the frontal/parietal scalp with greater density over the occipital scalp, a retention of the juvenile hairline, and the presence of miniaturized hairs in the effected zone of loss. Most women with AGA have normal menses and pregnancies. Extensive hormonal testing is usually not indicated unless signs & symptoms of androgen excess are present such as hirsutism, severe unresponsive cystic acne, virilization, or galactorrhea.

In most cases, the differential diagnosis of AGA is made based on the patient's history and clinical presentation. Typical differentials include alopecia areata, trichotillomania, and less commonly hair loss associated with disorders such as lupus erythematosis, scabies and other skin manifesting disease processes. Scalp biopsy and lab assay may be useful in elucidating a non-pattern hair loss etiology but, in such cases, should generally only follow an initial clinical evaluation by a qualified treating physician.

Treatment Options

From a treatment perspective, the mono-therapeutic interventions against female pattern hair loss include topical minoxidil, oral spironalactone, oral flutamide and other drugs. Surgical hair restoration can sometimes be an option, however care must be excercised as, in certain persons, the pattern of loss may sometimes extend across much of the entire scalp, rendering hair transplantation less than clinically effective. Recently, botanically derived substances, such as HairGenesis, have also come under investigation as agents potentially useful against the disorder.

Hair Genesis, http://www.hairgenesis.com, constitutes the sole non-drug hair loss treatment successfully tested under IRB-monitored clinical research. Hair Genesis is safe, effective for women and clinically demonstrated via peer-reviewed and published data. Try Hair Genesis today!

Hair Loss and Women's Health

Hair Loss In Women

Understand Diseases That Cause Hair Loss additional

Hair diseases are common in both men and women. The problem is prevalent all over the world. There are several factors responsible for hair loss. The causes of hair loss diseases may vary from person to person.

The factors causing hair loss include genetics, ailment, malnutrition, stress, some medication and hormonal imbalance. One cause of hair loss is hormonal imbalance and it may result in pattern baldness, a major hair disease causing hair loss.

Common hair diseases

The common hair diseases causing hair loss include the following:

Pattern baldness - Also known as pattern hair loss/pattern balding, it is a hair problem common in both males and females across the globe. The medical term for the problem is androgenetic alopecia.

Among men, the disease causes hair loss in a well-defined pattern. It starts above both the temples, and ultimately the hairline recedes to form a characteristic "M" shape. Hair loss is also witnessed at the crown (near the top of the head).

Among the women, the disease causes hair thinning all over the head. However, the hair line does not recede. Total baldness resulting from androgenetic alopecia is rare among women.

The disease is likely to be caused by a number of genetic and environmental factors. A particular group of hormones called androgens is related to this problem. Especially a particular androgen hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the main cause of this problem. Increase in DHT concentration causes changes in the scalp hair growth dynamics and it results in pattern baldness.

Hypotrichosis - It refers to the condition where there has never been any hair growth. It differs from the situation where there is hair loss in a spot once having hair. In hypotrichosis the affected area is completely bald for the entire life right from birth.

The general causes of hypotrichosis are genetic aberrations or embryonic development defects. The common forms of Hypotrichosis are aplasia cutis congenital, triangular alopecia and congenital atrichia.

Alopecia areata - Alopecia areata is another prominent member of the hair loss diseases. This autoimmune skin disease is highly unpredictable in nature and it affects not only the scalp but also the other hair growing areas of the body. Everybody irrespective of sex and age is vulnerable to this disease.

In alopecia areata the person's own immune system (white blood cells) attacks, mistakenly, the affected hair follicles. It results in end of the hair growth stage. The problem starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp. Then slowly it affects the entire scalp.

The problem is called alopecia totalis when it covers the entire scalp and is called alopecia universalis when it affects the entire body.

Seborrheic dermatitis - It is basically a skin problem. However, it can also cause temporary hair loss. The problem is referred to as 'cradle cup' in infants. But it is only during the puberty that the condition becomes evident.

The problem is generally found among the young people. It is rare in middle age. But it again becomes common among the 50 plus people.

It is more common in men than in women. It is notable that seborrheic dermatitis is unusually high among AIDS patients. The problem is seemingly caused by a genetic component. One disputed cause is the species of Malassezia yeasts. Changes in humidity or seasonal changes also commonly aggravate the disease.

Telogen effluvium (TE) - This abnormal hair loss condition is caused by alteration of normal hair growth cycle. The alteration can be caused by various factors. The disease causes a greater proportion of hairs enter the resting phase of the cycle and hair shedding is more than normal.

The affected person suffers from diffuse thinning of hair on the scalp. Thinning is not uniform. Rather it is more severe in some areas than the others. Usually the hair on top of the scalp thins more than it does at the sides and back. Usually the hair line does not recede, except in a few rare cases of chronic telogen effluvium.

Chronic telogen effluvium affects the other hair bearing areas of the body like eyebrows and pubic hair. Irrespective of the hair loss pattern, telogen efflivium is fully reversible as hair follicles are not permanently affected.

General causes of hair loss include vaccinations, physical trauma, surgery and medicine intake. Hormonal imbalance can also result in this problem. Inadequate diet can also trigger telogen effluvium. For example, a reduced intake of red meat (a key source of iron) is supposed to be a cause of this disease.

Stress also plays a crucial role in stress. In some cases depression and sudden intense anxiety may also cause hair loss.

Hair Loss

Maria Karla is a beauty and hair expert. She has got many research papers published on She is also a visiting faculty in several universities. For more information please visit www.hairdiseases.com

Diseases That Cause Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Understand Reasons for Hair Loss In Women more

Reasons for Hair Loss In Women

Hair Loss

Hair loss in women could be because of several reasons. Low thyroid hormone levels, hormonal imbalance during menopause, nutritional imbalance and certain skin disorders are the most common causes. The treatment depends on the cause and once diagnosed can be treated as well. A balanced diet and restful sleep will help to solve the problem to some extent. Hair fall in women is a serious problem. There are many reasons of this hair fall. The hair fall in women can be really embarrassing sometimes. It is important that the women note the reasons of this hair fall and try to avoid it. You may need to see a doctor in this regard. See a doctor and get your hair back from the damaging situation. This will be a great help if you can do that. You will help your self by making the hair fall speed slow.

Smoking is the single most important cause of the production of free radicals or toxins that can cause the disease and lead to hair fall. Smoking also depletes Vitamin C store from the body thus lowering the body immunity. Reasons for hair fall in women are also due to fungal infection or severe dandruff deficiency of protein in the diet, iron deficiency, stress, certain medications for example for typhoid, malaria etc.

Some medications like oral contraceptives, blood pressure medication, anti-depressants like Prozac and lithium, cholesterol controlling medicines, drugs like cocaine also cause hair loss.

Heredity has nothing to do with hair loss. Anemia endocrine problems, gynecological related problems like ovarian tumors, tissue connected diseases like lupus, emotional stress and crash diet causes hair fall.

Lack of minerals and vitamins and acids in hair treatments damages the hair follicles, to such an extent that the hair stops growing. Women tend to loose large amount of hair after child-birth. Major surgeries, chronic illnesses, several injection results in hair loss.

Androgenic Alopecia, here the hair on top of the scalp thins out making the hair less voluminous.

The reason of hair loss in women is as extensive as in men. But the degree of hair fall is less severe than men. Hair loss in women is not socially acceptable. It could leave women devastated, confused and helpless. But don't panic there are products in the market which control hair fall by 85 %. As the above discussion shows, there are many reasons of hair loss in women. It is important that the reason of losing hair is judged as quickly as possible. Without doing so, it will not be possible for you to stop the hair fall. The reasons are numerous. The imbalance of minerals in your body can be a simple reason that can create the entire problem for you.

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about reasons for hair loss in women [http://stopmalepatternbaldness.info/reasons-for-hair-loss-in-women/] visit Stop Male Pattern Baldness [http://stopmalepatternbaldness.info/] for current articles and discussions.

Read Is Female Hormonal Hair Loss One of The Causes of Balding in Women? a lot more

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Let's face it female hormonal hair loss can be one of the causes in balding in women. If you find yourself being one of the almost 40% of women who experience hair loss I know you want to do everything possible to fix it.

You are probably asking yourself I really don't know any of my friends that are losing their hair. You are probably right because women don't lose their hair as much as men do. Unlike men a woman's hair loss goes through a thinning process so it takes a period of time to become noticeable.

As a woman you are blessed with a hormone called estrogen which helps balance out the big hair loss culprit called DHT. Actually DHT is short for dihydrotestosterone. If you will notice the last half of that long word spells testosterone which a big factor of hair loss in men.

I don't know if you know this but women have testosterone just like men do but at much lower levels. So it seems as a woman with low levels of testosterone and the estrogen to help balance it out why you should be stuck with your hair falling out.

One answer to that question is that your hormones may be out of balance therefore resulting in one of the causes of hair loss in women. So ask yourself this is the imbalance of my feminine hormones the cause of my hair falling out.

So what could be some of the reasons that could cause your hormones to lose their balance therefore causing you to lose your hair?

If you have been taking birth control pills for a long period of time and decide to stop taking them for health reasons or to try to get pregnant this can throw your hormones out of whack and cause temporary hair loss.

A lot of women when they are pregnant have a nice full of head of hair. This is because during pregnancy your hormone levels change and any hair loss goes through a kind of resting inactive stage.

Once your baby is delivered the hormones go back to normal levels therefore causing some of your hair to fall out. Not to worry over a period of time your hair should return back to pre-pregnancy levels.

You may have an under active thyroid that is not producing enough hormones. One of the side effects of this condition can be loss of your hair. This can also affect other parts of your body such as your eyebrows.

Also a lot of women approaching menopause can see their estrogen levels starting to fall. As we discussed earlier with your estrogen hormone levels falling they fail to play a big part in protecting you against DHT a big factor in hair loss.

Any hormone balance condition should be discussed with your doctor so the proper tests can be performed to get you back on the right track to perfectly balanced hormones and the re-growth of your hair.

Although sometimes after treatment all your hair will not grow back or the process of growing your hair back will be very slow. Don't let this concern you because there are options you can take advantage of to help you to get back that full head of hair.

I have a hair growing option that any woman experiencing female hormonal hair loss should consider. I would like for you to go over to my website and watch a very informative video. Pay close attention to the way any woman with hair loss can be helped. Just go over to http://www.hairloss-solutions-site.com

Is Female Hormonal Hair Loss One of The Causes of Balding in Women?

Examine Essential Vitamins That Help Stop Hair Loss more

Hair Loss

Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, you should be mindful that you are getting enough of the essential vitamins for hair loss prevention. Contrary to popular belief, hair loss affects just as many women as it does men, and should be treated with an ounce of prevention before it occurs. While all vitamins play an important role in staying healthy, there are only a few vitamins that help to prevent hair loss. One of the best ways you can help to ensure that your lovely locks stay intact, and on your head, is to take appropriate amounts of the following vitamins for hair loss prevention.

Folic Acid

Folic Acid is the number one most important vitamin for hair loss prevention. It has long been hailed as a vital part of women's health, especially for pregnant women, but few people realize that it can also play a big role in keeping your hair on top of your head where it belongs. Taking folic acid vitamins for hair loss prevention can not only greatly decrease your chances of experiencing hair loss to begin with, as well as help to prevent future hair loss. Folic acid can be found in many foods, including nuts and soybeans; or can be bought in over the counter supplements.

Vitamin A

The second of the important vitamins for hair loss prevention is vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hair, skin, and vision. But it also plays an important part in preventing hair loss by promoting healthy cell growth around hair follicles, keeping them from becoming dry and brittle. Vitamin A can be found in many foods but is most prominent in fruits and vegetables. To get a healthy amount of A vitamins for hair loss prevention, you should make certain that you eat plenty of carrots, tomatoes, peppers and salads as well as eggs and organ meats like liver.

Vitamin E

Also included in the vitamins for hair loss prevention is vitamin E. Vitamin E can be found in leafy green vegetables, such as lettuce and spinach as well as in nuts and whole grains. Vitamin E is essential for promoting healthy blood flow, which in turn helps to ensure that the scalp has adequate blood circulation as well.

As you can see, there are a number of vitamins for hair loss prevention that you can take either as supplements or by eating a healthy diet. If you have any questions as to whether or not you are getting enough of these vitamins for hair loss prevention in your diet consult a physician. As with any supplements, if you are pregnant or nursing, you should practice extreme caution before taking any vitamins for hair loss.

Caroline Bourke is a full time beauty therapist in Florida. Check out these great Stop Hair Loss resources and articles or the more general Hair Loss articles and advice. http://www.beautysecretsworld.com/Stop-Hair-Loss-Articles.html

Essential Vitamins That Help Stop Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Examine Female Hair Loss - Internal and External Causes extra

Female Hair Loss - Internal and External Causes

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

When you hear the word "bald" you immediately think of a man with a pate and /or receding hairline. The reason behind this is you usually associate baldness with males but the truth is women too suffer from hair loss that can in severe cases lead to balding.

In women hair loss is a bit difficult to detect because women are not good at disguising thinning hair or receding hairline. However, loss of hair in women may be a bit different from men and the causes behind it also differ. Therefore if you are suffering from thinning hair you need to know the causes behind it.

Internal Causes of Hair Fall in Women

1) Androgenetic alopecia- This is one of the primary causes of hair loss in women and is also known as pattern baldness. This is a kind of hereditary hair loss and can affect women at any point of time. The follicles of the hair become extremely sensitive to the androgens. The follicles have androgen receptors and the androgen instructs the follicles to produce less hair. The hair becomes finer and thinner and the growing cycle become short. Though there is no loss of the actual hair follicles it may so happen that hair production is halted altogether.

2) Telogen effluvium- This is the second most common reason behind hair loss. And the nature of condition is responsible for this. In this case hair starts to thin and the reason behind it is any kind of trauma or stress. The stress and the tension interfere with the normal rate of hair growth. A very common example of this is pregnancy. As would- be mothers are tensed and stressed out they will suffer from loss of hair. This is why women suffer for massive hair fall and thinning of hair during pregnancy.

3) Alopecia areata- This is the third common cause of hair loss in women. In this case there may be small bald patches on the head. Though much is not known about this condition as of yet it is believed this condition is related to the deficiencies in the immune system. In women hair loss caused by alopecia areata is usually not very serious and the hair may grow back after a viable span of time. However in certain cases the condition might be severe and hair may not grow back.

External Causes of Hair Fall in Women

1) It may be caused by dyes and harsh chemicals
2) Certain drugs and medication can cause loss of hair
3) Lack of zinc and iron in the body
4) Lack of proteins and fatty acids
5) Infection caused by fungi, yeast and protozoa
6) Diseases like anemia, thyroid and liver problems
7) Stress
8) Treatments like chemotherapy

For more information about women hair loss and solutions, visit www.10hairloss.com now.

Examine What is Alopecia Areata - Hair Loss far more

What is it?

Alopecia Areata is a disease that causes hair loss. It usually affects the scalp, but can also affect other areas of the body that have hair. The hair loss is quite rapid, and occurs in patches.

Who can get it?

Anyone at any age can get alopecia areata. Most often, young adults and children are affected. Men and women are both equally affected.

What causes Alopecia Areata?

The causes and reasons for alopecia areata are unknown. Current research suggests it is caused by a problem with the immune system. In people with alopecia areata, for unidentified reasons, the body's immune system disrupts normal hair formation when it attacks the hair follicles. Heredity seems to play a role as alopecia areata often runs in families. It is not contagious.

There are many in the medical community that believes stress may cause or contribute to alopecia areata. There is no proof of this currently, and several studies are looking at this.

Alopecia Areata Symptoms

The primary symptom of alopecia areata is round spots of hair loss on the scalp. The symptoms can vary dramatically. Some people get bald patches (patchy alopecia areata), while others may get complete baldness of the scalp (alopecia totalis). Less common is to lose all scalp and body hair (alopecia universalis). People affected with alopecia areata are usually in otherwise good health.

How is Alopecia Areata diagnosed?

It is important to have a dermatologist diagnose this disease. There are other diseases that can cause hair loss that are treatable.

A dermatologist can usually diagnose alopecia areata through a visual examination. They look for "exclamation point hair" in the areas of the hair loss. Exclamation point hairs are short broken off hairs that stick straight up, and are usually close to the scalp. Sometimes a biopsy is done, and the sample is examined under a microscope.


This condition will generally clear up on its own within several months to several years. About half of all people affected will grow their hair back within a year without getting any treatment. However, the condition can reoccur at any time. Reoccurrence is common.

The more widespread the hair loss, or the longer it lasts, the less likely that the hair will grow back.

A doctor can prescribe several drugs, including creams and steroid injections. Many people also respond well to drugs that promote hair growth.

No one treatment works for everyone, and for some people, no treatments are effective. They just have to let the disease run its course. It is best to discuss the options with your doctor.


The effects or this disease are mainly psychological. Hair loss often leads to a reduced self-image. The scalp is more susceptible to sun damage due to the loss of hair. Also, due to the loss of nasal hair, hay fever and similar allergic conditions can worsen.

Due to social discomfort, many women with this disease will wear wigs.

Hair Loss

This article was written by Scott Mogul, editor for http://www.healthy-skin-guide.com For additional information skin care and skin treatment, please visit Healthy Skin Guide

What is Alopecia Areata - Hair Loss

Read Women's Hair Loss - Don't Panic! far more

Hair Loss In Women

It seems that there are so many advertisements or television commercials that focus mainly on men's hair loss. And you can't really blame them because you do not get to see a bald woman when you get out in the streets on any regular days. But the way things are, hair loss is a big problem among women too. This article tries to discuss a few issues on that.

Why does hair loss occur?

There are lots of reasons women loose their hair. For women, hair losses are basically caused by vitamin deficiencies. However, there are other causes like Alopecia Areata that accelerates the rate of hair losses in women.

Alopecia Areata has been researched by clinical scientist for many years. It was found that is white blood cells in the body are responsible for Alopecia Areata. They are known to attack your hair follicles, which causes them to severely shrink. As a result, your hair falls out eventually. So before this problem gets out of control, a woman should make fast moves.

Did you know that over 2% of modern day U.S. population are suffering from some cases of Alopecia Areata? The people who are affected by such a problem are mostly women or children. But it is also true that anybody might get affected by this problem. How good your treatment will be depends on multiple factors. The first and foremost one is the severity of your hair loss. The next thing is about is about your current age. And finally it might take quite some time if you are suffering a severe case of Alopecia Areata.

Not to panic

As women start noticing any abnormal quantity of hair falling out, the very first reaction they show is panic. And you can't really blame them as hair one of the key elements of a woman's beauty and personality. And all the television commercials or advertisement we see has women with full, bouncy and healthy hair. Human civilization has put so much focus on the hair of a woman as a part of her beauty that you can't think of a woman with a bald head.

Rather than panicking, the task in hand should be getting right to the core of these problems as soon as possible. It actually pays off if you visit a dermatologist for making sure that the hair loss problem has not stemmed out of any other more severe complexity within the body. If a woman gets depressed, this might actually accelerate the hair loss. So get some treatment to make sure you have the peace of mind.

And be proactive in attacking the problem, before it starts gaining on you any further. Do let it nail you down. There are numerous herbal products in the market that you would really love. And eating balanced food can only help you recover fast. In most of the cases, if sufficient care is exercised, the hair loss should go away over time.


And it is always a smart move to do some research for knowing what are the most promising and proven options for preventing hair loss. Reading forums and women's magazines can help here. But make sure you are reading only impartial reviews on products, so you get to choose the right one that offers most value for our time and effort.

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Women's Hair Loss - Don't Panic!

Hair Loss In Women

Read through Causes of Hair Loss in Women and What You Can Do additional

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss has plagued men and women since the beginning of the human race. In the last century, however, women have become more concerned with their looks and have started seeking help for their loss of hair. There are many solutions out there, but the problem is which to choose. The key to any treatment is to treat the cause of the problem, not just a symptom, in this case loss of hair. The only way to get the right treatment is to find the cause of your loss of hair. The causes loss of hair in women is different for each and can be one factor or a number of factors.

Hormones play a big role in women's life. It can even play a big role in their hair loss as well. Any time your hormones get out of balance, there is a chance it can cause you to lose your hair. This can happen when a woman gives birth and her hormones try to get back to the way they were before she got pregnant. This can happen when a woman goes through menopause, which makes the hormones go crazy as the body prepares for the next stage of life. Hormonal imbalances can even happen with certain conditions, such as ovarian cysts. These make the hormones go crazy because estrogen is produced in the ovaries and having a cyst form on hem can knock the hormones out of whack. Even medications such as birth control pills can cause hair loss.

Medical conditions can be a cause of hair loss in women. Thyroid problems and diabetes can cause be a cause of hair loss. Even eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, which deprive the body of the nutrients it needs, can cause hair loss. Any major illness, sustained high fever or major surgery can cause you to lose your hair. Even certain infections like of the scalp or follicle can make you go bald. Even autoimmune disorders can do this to your body by attacking the hair follicle.

Genetics can also make you lose your hair. Female pattern baldness is a hereditary problem in which your body creates too much DHT, which can cause you to lose your hair. This is the most common form of hair loss and can be seen as soon as the late teens in women. It is also one of the most treatable, especially if it is caught in the early stages.

There are many other causes for women to lose their hair. It can even be caused by a few different factors. The great thing is that there are a number of different hair loss treatments available these days. They range from pills, supplements, shampoos, creams, laser therapy and even surgical options such as scalp reduction and hair transplants. There are even numerous natural remedies available to you. Your dermatologist is the best person to advise you on the course of action you should take. Remember to keep your head up and don't give up and you will be o your way to solving your hair loss problems in no time.

Are you looking for the best Hair Loss in Women? Visit http://www.baldness-prevention.com today for more information!

Causes of Hair Loss in Women and What You Can Do

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Read through Loss of Hair - What Are the Sudden Causes of Hair Loss? more

A sudden loss of hair should be reported to your doctor, as it could be a symptom of an underlying medical problem. A gradual thinning that occurs over time in a pattern, around the central portion of the scalp and the vertex or crown of the head, is more common. Usually, the underlying cause is heredity or genetics, but it is still possible to stop the process and reverse it.

When hair loss occurs suddenly or seems to be concentrated in patches at the sides or back, not the top of the head, nutritional deficiency is one of the common causes. Lack of nutrients or poor diet plays a role in hereditary baldness, too. It's not impossible to get all of the nutrients that you need every day from food, alone, but it is very difficult, particularly as you get older.

Doctors will often check blood levels of iron, magnesium and zinc, while checking for hormonal levels and thyroid problems. If you are already on certain medications, additional testing may not be necessary. Many different drugs can cause loss of hair, including anti-coagulants like warfarin, retinoids, acne and wrinkle treatments, amphetamines, antidepressants, blood pressure medications and even prolonged use of aspirin.

Exposure to heavy metals is a less common cause, but something to be aware of, particularly among people that eat a log of fish. The USGS recently reported finding mercury in every species of fish tested in lakes, streams and rivers around the US. Levels are pretty high in the Atlantic Ocean, too. Doctors have found some cases difficult to diagnose, until the person's intake of fish was noted.

In cases of heavy metal poisoning, hormonal imbalances and serious nutritional deficiencies, loss of hair will not be the only symptom. In the case of minor, chronic nutrient deficits in the diet, which are more common, fatigue is usually noted. But, sometimes it seems that everyone is tired these days.

That brings us to stress, which contributes to and complicates all kinds of diseases. You should aim to reduce the stress in your life, not to get your hair back, but just to be healthier.

Assuming that there is no underlying medical condition or drug at the "root" of the problem, the best way to treat it is with a combination of nutrients, plant extracts and topically applied Minoxidil. Minoxidil was originally marketed as Rogaine for the loss of hair.

It is only one of two treatments that are approved by the US FDA. The other is an oral drug for men, but it is accompanied by unwanted side effects. Minoxidil and nutritional supplements are available without a prescription and the only side effects are good ones.

If you're like most people, you simply want to like to look at yourself in the mirror, again. In the majority of cases, Minoxidil works, but it works for more people when combined with appropriate nutritional therapy.

Research indicates that it is easier to stop and prevent the loss of hair than it is to reverse it. So, start your treatment plan, today, before the problem gets worse.

Hair Loss

Discover the best way to combat the causes of sudden hair loss today.

Bill Wagner is a dedicated researcher of hair loss issues that affect both men and women. Take a moment to visit his site now to learn about a new natural hair loss remedy that Bill recently discoverd and how it contrasts with other common hair loss treatment options at: www.thinning-hair-cure.com

Loss of Hair - What Are the Sudden Causes of Hair Loss?

Study What is Alopecia Hair Loss in Women? additional

What is Alopecia Hair Loss in Women?

Hair Loss In Women

Some individuals tend to string alopecia hair loss together in one sentence. For definition purposes however, it is worth noting that the three word term is actually redundant. Alopecia is actually already the formal medical term for hair loss. It refers to the more than normal disappearance of hair from any part of the body. This however, is a general term. There are specific forms of alopecia which is why this word alone is often paired with other more definite terms in order to clearly describe the specific hair loss condition.

Of all the known hair fall conditions, androgenetic alopecia is the most commonly known. In this condition, men can have large bald areas. Women on the other hand will often suffer only from diffuse hair thinning. The condition is caused by a combination of genetic makeup and hair follicle susceptibility to the shrinking effects of male hormones. Since females have some amount of male hormones, they are not exempt from the possibility of experiencing the condition.

Another hair fall type is alopecia aratea. This can lead to bare patches on the scalp. This is commonly regarded as an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system inexplicably attacks the hair follicles, thereby causing the hair loss. The real reason why the immune system sometimes goes berserk is still unknown. Some experts point out that the condition may also be accompanied by serious medical conditions such as lupus and vitiligo.

Traction alopecia is yet again another variation to hair fall. This however, is one of the easiest to define. Those who have it are often those who are fond of tight hairstyles like corn rolls and braids. The frequent use of these hair styles can literally uproot large amounts of hair. The scalp will then be left with some scars over which new hair cannot grow.

In women, another significant type of alopecia is telogen effluvium. In this condition, lots of hair is lost over a period of time following a physically or emotionally stressful event. Examples of these causal events are pregnancy or childbirth and severe illness. The hair thinning however is often only temporary and will be cured once the main causal condition is addressed.

Being female surely does not exempt one from experiencing balding. One's main priority however is to determine the type of hair thinning. Knowing the probable cause of your scalp and hair condition is the best way to find the right treatment approach.

To learn more about the causes of hair loss [http://femalehairlossreport.com/causes-of-hair-loss/] in women, visit [http://femalehairlossreport.com/], the brief and concise guide to everything you need to know about hair loss in women.

Read through Possible Cause of Hair Loss in Women and Men more

Possible Cause of Hair Loss in Women and Men

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

It is normal for a person to lose fifty to one hundred strands of hair in one day. This is part of the renewal process of the hair, as some have to be shed off to make way for new growth. Your hair goes through a cycle of growing, resting and shedding. The length of this cycle varies among individuals, dictated by several factors such as age, health, hormones and other external elements. When one or more of these factors alter the cycle, then you might observe that the rate at which you are losing hair is greater than the rate you are growing it. This is when hair begins to thin and bald spots might appear.

The cause of hair loss in women and men can be permanent or temporary. Of these, the most common is hormonal change. This occurs when there is an excess of testosterone in the body, which is converted to a derivative hormone called dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT causes hair follicles to shrink, resulting in the thinning of hair. Eventually the shrinking follicles die and hair is shed. DHT is a hormone that is present in the body but some people have more receptors in their follicles where the hormone can attach to. These are the ones who are genetically predisposed to hair loss. The production of thyroid hormones can also alter hair growth. Follicles can sense when hormonal levels in the blood change. Too little or too much can force the hair into a dormant phase and growth is stopped.

Hair follicles are very active, constantly producing hair cells. To do so they need adequate food supply. When this is lacking, their level of activity decreases and so does hair growth. If you do not nourish your body properly, you will have dull hair or experience hair loss. To avoid this, make sure that your diet contains sufficient amounts of protein; vitamins A, B, C and E; and the minerals zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium and silica. These nutrients do not only maintain hair health and stimulate growth, they also ensure the proper regulation of hormonal levels in the body. Those who are trying to lose weight oftentimes fall into the trap of taking too little protein. This can cause hair to fall off because the body saves its protein reserves by forcing the hair to a resting phase.

Stress is one of the most common causes of temporary hair loss. Although experts are yet to discover how stress causes this, they theorize that stress affects the nerve cells surrounding the hair follicles, which, in turn, affects growth. When you are under severs stress, you might find your hair becoming dull and lifeless and sometimes fall off. Luckily, this condition is only temporary and will cease when the cause of stress is resolved or eliminated.

Hair loss in women and men can be caused by several other factors other than those mentioned here. If you start to observe your hair falling off, it is helpful to identify the cause immediately so treatment can be applied at the soonest possible time.

Whatever the cause of your hair loss may be, it can be treated by means of a natural hair loss remedy. Go to http://www.coiffurecafe.blogspot.com/ to learn more.

Study Causes of Female Hair Loss - Hair Loss in Women is More Common Than You Think more

Causes of Female Hair Loss

Today, serious hair loss is an increasing problem that affects about 30 million women in America of all ages. Every month, our hair grows at the rate of about half an inch, and each hair has a growing phase of from two to six years. After that, the hair "rests" for a while, then proceeds to fall out, and the follicle which nourished it starts to grow a new strand as part of an ongoing cycle.

Some of us are genetically predisposed to hairloss, and a group of hormones disturbs the growth process. These hormones (androsteinedione, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone) are present in a man's body in greater amounts and in a women's body in lesser amounts. In time, some of the hair follicles die, and others are no longer able to produce or maintain normal hair growth.

Female Pattern HairLoss

In women, medical professionals refer to this as "female pattern hairloss," a broad term indicating that many other causes are also related to this condition. These include other enzymes, blockers, and hormone receptors. Since it is diffuse, female pattern baldness encircles the top of the head, and enzyme and hormone receptor sites vary throughout the scalp.

Other causes of female pattern hair loss include polycystic ovary syndrome (a female hormonal problem). Certain autoimmune disorders may cause inflammation of the scalp, and the hair comes out in patches or clumps. Women's natural hair growth patterns can also be altered by severe emotional trauma, childbirth, surgery, "crash" dieting, anemia, thyroid conditions, and certain medications.

Since the causes are varied, it is essential for women who suffer significant hair loss to obtain a correct diagnosis of their condition and find the underlying medical problem that should be treated initially. This is often done with blood tests or, when it becomes necessary, a scalp biopsy.

Hair Loss In Women

If you are a woman looking for a cure for your hair loss, I highly recommend you try out Provillus for women. Provillus is the only topical and dietary supplement approved by the FDA to regrow hair for women. Check out my personal review of it here: [http://www.hairloss4women.com/provillus-for-women-review/]

Causes of Female Hair Loss - Hair Loss in Women is More Common Than You Think

Read What Causes Hair Loss in Young Women Under 40? additional

What Causes Hair Loss in Young Women Under 40?

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

There are a lot of factors that causes hair loss in young women and including men. Heredity, bodily hormones, stress which is either physical or emotional, your eating habits, if you have terrible hair hygiene and other health issues - all of which may cause loss of hair temporarily or even permanent.

Physical or emotional stress, your diet plus other health issues are considered to be just temporary cause of loss of hair. I know you're not probably paying attention to these things that is why it is good that you should know this now.

But don't worry because once any of the anxiety-producing illnesses are gone, when you change your eating habits for the better, and also once you start giving proper care to your hair, the hair thinning will also be under control.

However, when the main cause of your sudden hair loss is more of the genetic make up or hormones, then you'll be facing a more complex problem. Heredity is an irreversible condition. You are a product of your parents, and sad to say hair loss is often inherited.

Hormones have an equally diverse effect on an individual basis. In men, testosterone is abundant. There are enzymes that affect testosterone which yields a substance referred to as Dihydrotestosterone.

DHT is now known to move in the bloodstream and trigger some other problems, one of which that concerns us greatly is the shrinking of strands of our hair. When the strands of our hair get small enough, they are unable to produce and push a new hair through.

It is important for you to know that when aged hair dies, it is not replaced.

In young women, hormonal imbalances could also induce hair loss. Women experience this the most when they get pregnant, giving birth as well as when they are undergoing menopausal stage.

All of these major hormonal alteration and imbalances together with both physical and mental stress greatly affects hair growth. This causes hair loss, both temporary and irreparable.

If you don't stop hair loss now, you will start looking old and struggling for self-esteem. Learn about the best hair loss supplements [http://hairlossherbalsupplements.com] today, all you have to do is CLICK HERE [http://hairlossherbalsupplements.com]

Read through Popular Hair Loss Treatments for Women extra

Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss isn't just a man's problem anymore. Hair loss clinics around the world have noticed a substantial increase in female hair thinning in recent years. In fact, it is estimated that about 50% of men and women will experience hair loss and thinning hair at some point in their life. What has changed over the last few years is how early women are experiencing it and the degree or severity of it. Most women don't go bald, unlike their male counterparts, but their hair thins to varying degrees. We are seeing more women with thinning hair, and higher degrees of hair loss than ever before.

The hair restoration and replacement profession has for many years been viewed as an enigma at best, snake oil merchants at worst. The aim of this series of articles is to help women worldwide become more aware of the treatment options available, which are popular, and most importantly, what works.

Date with your Doctor

No, I'm not suggesting that you should ask him or her out for dinner. (Mind you, if they are good looking and single, there's no harm in trying.) What I am saying is that if you are beginning to experience thinning hair, you should make a date to see them for a blood test (ask for one that specifically deals with hair health, the endocrine system and thyroid function) and a general check up. For years, the condition of your hair has been seen as a good guide to your overall health, so it pays to get checked out if your hair is deteriorating or thinning. It is also good practice to get a referral to see a dermatologist (hair and skin specialist) who may be able to give you further insight into the type of hair loss you may have (e.g., female pattern thinning, a type of Alopecia, or a lupus condition).

Pharmaceutical Drugs for Hair loss

Doctors are often the first point of call for people, and frequently pharmaceutical intervention is their first suggestion. This could involve changing the type of birth control you are using (some forms of the pill cause hair loss, while others help to regrow the hair), or prescribing a drug that may help to regrow some of your hair - or at least slow down the rate of hair loss.

Some of the more common drugs used are Minoxidil (Regaine or Rogaine), Aldactone, Spirolactone, and some doctors have even been known to prescribe Propecia. Propecia is a drug that was previously given to men, but was not recommended for women. All of these drugs have been clinically proven to cause hair regrowth, though results will vary from person to person.

Popularity of Pharmaceutical Treatment for Hair loss

If you were to determine the popularity of a treatment by the sheer number of people employing it, I think pharmaceutical treatment could be deemed "popular." While it is probably the most common, it is most likely not the most popular in preference. Most people that we meet in our clinic prefer not to use drugs. Every drug has side effects and some prefer not to risk the various and possible side effects in the hope that it may cause future hair re-growth. Some come to us due to drugs causing their hair to thin, the mere thought of using other drugs to re-grow their hair is not an option they wish to pursue. Nevertheless, regardless of side effects, some people will use whatever pharmaceutical drugs possible to keep or re-grow their hair.

Pharmaceutical interventions do offer hope of reversing your hair loss, and even cause it to regrow again. It is our experience that these medications are often better at retaining your hair than regrowing it. Most people don't notice they have begun to lose their hair until they have lost 30% of it already, and at best these medications might help to recover 10-15% of the hair. It's also important to note that hair often does not regrow in the same consistency or patterns that it was before.

Your Expectations of Pharmaceutical Hair Loss Treatments

Instead of viewing it as a miracle cure, pharmaceutical drugs should be viewed as an option that will help you to retain the hair you have. For some, they may even help to cause further hair growth. In general, if you are able to re-grow ten percent of your hair, you have experienced a great result.

Our next article will deal with other popular hair loss treatments.

Author: Andrew Wilson

About the Author: Andrew is the owner and Director of Transitions Hair, Sydney, Australia. He has over 16 years experience in the Hair Loss profession. His father entered the hair loss profession over 40 years ago and the author has literally grown up around, serving clients from a very young age. He has seen many changes and positive developments in the profession. He has studied Trichology and constantly attends seminars relating to hair loss issues and concerns.

Transitions Hair is a member company of the highly esteemed Transitions International Group, over 70 studios world wide. He has been trained by a number of people who work with Hollywood 'A' list actors. His clinic is one of the few that offer all forms of hair restoration procedures meaning that they are able to give unbiased advice. Each persons hair loss and expectations is different, therefore they do not subscribe to a 'one size (or solution) fits all'. Rather, choosing to use what will work best for each client. Only then, do you see great results, happy clients enjoying increased confidence - allowing them to be themselves again.

For more comprehensive information on hair loss and treatment options please go to his company website: http://www.transitionshair.com.au

Popular Hair Loss Treatments for Women

Hair Loss In Women

Go through Causes Of Hair Loss In Women Revealed far more

In the United States today, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is estimated that around 30 million women suffer from the problem of female baldness. Even though it is more common in women who are older, particularly when they reach menopause, younger women also are affected by this condition. With this article, we will take a look into some of the causes of hair loss in women that are common today.

The main causes for this in women is related to the same factors as that of men. Similar to men, women may lose hair because of age, genetics, or they may have a problem related to hormone levels. Along with these, there are other factors that can cause hair loss in women.

However, in this article we will be going over a few of the medical causes of hair loss in women today. You will find that as long as the proper diagnosis is provided by a doctor or dermatologist, you should be able to treat your condition.

1. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a problem related to hormones and can cause loss of hair. It is not uncommon for a doctor to diagnose this particular health issue when a woman is suffering from hair loss, as this is one of the indicators.

2. Another Cause of hair loss in women may be related to a treatment that they are receiving for an autoimmune disorder. In a case like this the loss of hair may be quite sever and the hair may come out in large patches or clumps.

3. There is another medical condition that may cause hair loss and that is Telogen Effluvium. This type may occur after an event in a women's life alters there hormone levels. Some events that may lead to this are child birth, using a crash diet, surgery, or it could even be something traumatic that has happened.

It is important to note that before you undergo any type of treatment, so that you do not cause the problem to become worse, you should attempt to establish what is the underlying cause. If you have trouble doing this on your own you may need to consult a doctor.

Above we have gone over but a few of the causes of hair loss in women. These will not happen to every woman, but if you do suffer from hair loss you should try and find out the cause so that it can be treated or remedied. On the other hand you should not worry if you loss some hair as that is a normal part of the hair growth process and part of the aging. In the case of excessive amounts of hair falling out, you should seek help in your fight against hair loss.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Do not Delay in learning more about how to regrow your hair naturally, Reviews of Natural hair loss solutions [http://growhairtoday.com/hair-growth-solutions-reviewed/?bid_keyword=Causes%20Of%20Hair%20Loss%20In%20Women%20Revealed]

Many causes of hair loss in women [http://growhairtoday.com/main-causes-of-hair-loss-in-women-19] can be cured. You need to do more research and find out what is causing your hair loss. I have found this great site dealing in hair loss, GrowHairToday.com [http://www.growhairtoday.com], I found this to be an excellent resource for learning more about hair loss.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women Revealed

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Read through Hair Loss For Women - 5 Causes That May Shock You! much more

Hair Loss In Women

I'm shocked. Hair loss has become nearly as big a problem for women as it is for men! Seriously, it is said that 40% of all hair loss issues are experienced by females! Who knew?

Another thing that is absolutely baffling is the number of different causes women are faced with when it comes to the disappearance of their lovely locks! We men are pretty much limited to excess DHT as a factor. I'll explain what this means in a moment.

But ladies, you have so many contributing factors it can just make your head spin! I've been able to narrow it down to five main culprits. I'm a firm believer that once you can clearly identify the problem, seeking a solution becomes exponentially easier. So let's get 'er identified!

Hair Loss For Women - 5 Causes That May Shock You:
Heredity, a.k.a Genetic Disposition. The leading cause of male pattern baldness is also the leading cause of pattern baldness in females. In this instance, an excess of the nasty hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) begins to assemble in your scalp. It binds to your hair follicles and starts "choking" them, rendering them unable to absorb the proper nutrients from your blood. This causes your hair to become thinner and thinner, until it just disappears altogether!
Hormonal Imbalance. This occurs when your body undergoes any kind of trauma or radical change. For women, the leading causes are pregnancy and menopause.
Blood Acidity. When your pH level becomes more acidic, a whole series of destructive occurrences take place within your body. Hair loss is one of them. Over-acidity is most likely to happen as a result of taking drugs (legal or non), excessive animal product consumption (meat and dairy), a lack of hydration, or heavy amounts of stress.
Nutrient Deficiency. If you're radically deficient in b-vitamins, iron, protein, zinc, iron, and/or magnesium, the likelihood that your hair will thin out rises significantly. So eat those veggies, girls!
Aging. It's part of life, right? The longer we live, the older we get. (No gettin' anything past me, right?) The reality is that as you age, your defenses weaken. This is just as true with your integumentary system (skin, hair, and nails) as it is with any other part of your body.
Hair Loss For Women Causes Are Varied, and the Numbers Are Truly Eye-Opening:
25 to 30 percent of ALL women in North America experience some form of hair loss.
For women over 40 years of age, this number jumps to about the 50% range!
Another jump occurs for women over 65. In that age range, approximately 75% of all women are going bald!

These numbers are staggering. It's a sad truth. It is, however, the truth.

But Pay Very Close Attention:

You can stop the embarrassment, humiliation, and anxiety of your thinning hair dead in its tracks if you take action now! Go to [http://secrets-of-hair-growth.com] to find out what you can do. The more you know, the more power you have to take control of the situation. Hair rejuvenation is possible, but it becomes less and less likely the longer you wait. Watch your FREE video now! Here's that link again: [http://secrets-of-hair-growth.com]

Hair Loss For Women - 5 Causes That May Shock You!

Go through Hair Loss (Balding) Causes additional

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss causes is a broad topic with many different players. In fact just a few of the most common hair loss causes are genetics, hormones, crash diets, anemia, menopauses, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, physical stress, psychological stress, high fever, severe illness, surgery, chemotherapy drugs, blood pressure drugs, oral contraceptive, large amounts of vitamin A, lupus, and persistent bacterial and fungal infections.

So as you can see the list of potential suspect when trying to determine the exact cause of balding can be quite extensive. The good news is often once the cause has been determined and either eliminated or modified hair regrowth will start to occur shortly after. Perhaps the most widely recognized example of this is in the case of chemotherapy drugs.

While many types of hair loss will correct themselves others will not and this has never been more the case as with androgenetic alopecia. This condition is responsible for more cases of balding than any other cause, in fact by some estimates it is north of eight out of every ten. Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness) is generally seen in people over the age of 40 but can start as early as the teenage years.

What is the cause?

Put simply androgenetic alopecia and combination of hormones (testosterone, androsteinedione, dihydrotestosterone) and genetics. The causative mechanism is a somewhat complicated and unpredictable in which those genetically susceptible to the condition experience an excess buildup of DHT in the follicle causing hairs to become finer and shorter. It also interrupts the very important hair replacement cycle causing the number of hairs lost to accelerate. Additionally, many follicles are rendered incapable of producing or maintaining healthy hair growth.

Recognizing androgenetic alopecia

In women, balding starts on the top of the head and is generally a thinning rather than a complete loss of hair with the hairline typically staying intact. For men, balding begins at the forehead or on top of the head toward the back. Some men lose only some hair and have only a receding hairline or a small bald spot on the crown. For men who started to see signs of male pattern baldness early in life they will eventually lose all of the hair on the top of the head but retain hair on the sides and back.

What Next?

The first step is to determine hair loss causes/cause and formulate a plan for hair regrowth including proper nutrition, eliminating the cause (when possible), stress reduction, and perhaps a prescription lotion or tablet. Additionally, there are a number of non prescription hair regrowth options which have shown to be effective as well. Whatever decision you choose it is important to point out that the earlier androgenetic alopecia is recognized and treated the better the chances of success.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase Remedies.com

Hair Loss (Balding) Causes

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women