Read Hair Loss in Women - What Causes Female Hair Loss? much more

Hair Loss in Women - What Causes Female Hair Loss?

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Losing hair or watching it progressively thin is difficult for many people to accept, but for women it can be even more difficult. We are more accustomed to seeing receding hairlines or thinning hair on men, not that it is an easy condition for men either, but society is a bit more accepting of male-patterned baldness. The only time we expect to see balding in women is when they are going through specific medical treatments like chemotherapy.

Most Common Causes of Female Hair Loss

One of the main causes of hair loss in women, and men for that matter, is androgenetic alopecia, more commonly called male or female-patterned baldness. While many see this as a male problem, it affects a large number of women as well. It is the kind that runs in the family, on either side of the family.

Hormone imbalances are another big contributor. A hormone imbalance can be caused by a variety of things including pregnancy, oral contraception, a thyroid problem or menopause to name just a few. In most cases this only causes temporary hair loss in women and once the hormones are balanced the thinning will stop and regrowth will occur.

A high level of physical or emotional stress can also cause an alopecia. This can be triggered by a particularly stressful event like a death in the family or a divorce.

Other Causes Of Hair Loss in Women

There are a number of other things that can cause thinning or balding in women. Certain medications, outside of birth control, can cause a problem with this, as well as treatment for certain medical conditions like chemotherapy and radiation.

Areata alopecia is an autoimmune condition that causes the body to attack the hair follicles. This can result in patchy thinning or balding spots.

Certain hairstyles can cause traction alopecia in some women. Styles that constantly pull on the hair like tight ponytails, extensions or cornrows. Over processing can also cause hair to become damaged and brittle, but this is generally different than true alopecia in women.

In some cases diet can play a role, things like fad diets or severe eating disorder can cause a nutritional deficiency leading to female hair loss.

In the case of androgenic alopecia, or if there is a temporary hair loss and you want to promote new hair growth products like Provillus can be helpful. But it is important to see a doctor to figure out the specific cause in order to find the best hair loss treatment method.

Find out where to Buy Provillus for Women or learn more about how to prevent hair loss.

Understand Hair Loss In Women - Six Causes additional

Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women differs from hair loss in men in the following ways:

Signs of hair loss in men:

Receding hairline

Moderate to extensive hair loss, particularly on the crown of the head

Signs of hair loss in women:

General thinning of hair all over the head

Moderate hair loss on the crown of the head or at the hairline

In summary, hair loss in women can start around 30 years of age and usually involves overall thinning rather than a bald patch. It often becomes more noticeable around 40 years of age.

Here are six causes of hair loss in women which can help you identify the possible cause and decide whether to just wait for the hair to regrow, or if it is a more serious reason, get professional advice and take appropriate action:

#1. Hair loss in women is often connected to pregnancy. Three to six months after delivering a child, many women notice a degree of hair loss as the hair goes into a resting phase because of the physiological impact of the pregnancy on the body.

#2. A woman's body can also be greatly affected by intensive diets and losing a lot of weight in a short period of time.

#3. Severe illnesses and infections can put great stress on the body thus triggering the hair into a resting phase which result hair shedding. Often the body recovers naturally within 3 to 9 months and the hair begins to regrow until it almost resembles its original condition.

#4. Hair loss in women can be aggravated further by improper use of chemical hair treatments such as dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves.

Generally, healthy hair can undergo these treatments without showing signs of stress, if they are not done too often. However, if hair is breaking or if it becomes brittle it is best to stop these procedures until the hair has grown out.

#5. The constant pulling of hair with styles such as ponytails and braids can sometimes cause hair loss in women. Avoid pulling the hair tight with these styles.

#6. Rough combing and brushing of the hair and vigorous rubbing with a towel after shampooing can cause it to break, adding further to the problem of Hair loss in women. Wide toothed combs and brushes with smooth tips are recommended to minimize hair breakage.


Although hair loss is distressing for everyone, hair loss in women is perhaps a cause of more anxiety as it can lead to feelings of lack of confidence and femininity.

In many cases, proper care and attention to hair can greatly reduce the danger of hair loss.

In other cases involving illness or heredity, consulting with a professional hair stylist can result in a hair style that minimizes the effect of hair loss in women.

Recommendation: The NewHair Biofactors system stops hair loss within 1 week guaranteed! This hair care range from Nisim International, leaders in hair science for over 20 years, also assists in the growth of new hair. Click here for full details:

Check MikeƂ’s free hair loss research library here:

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Hair Loss In Women - Six Causes

Hair Loss In Women

Read through Causes of Hairloss in Women much more

Causes of Hairloss in Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

In a society where a woman's hair is such an important part of what other members of society define as 'beautiful', it is a traumatic experience for any woman to realize that she has started to lose some of her hair. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, about 20% of all women will at some or other stage be faced with hair loss problems. Let us briefly look at the causes of hairloss in women.

The causes for losing hair and the patterns which it follows, are not always the same for women as for men. While men tend to lose hair on specific areas of their heads, hairloss for women is usually more uniform and occurs all over the head. Hair loss among women can also occur at a very young age. Girls of 16 or 17 sometimes have problems with this.

In the old days doctors used to think that the causes for baldness among both men and women were the same. Science has now taught us that this is not necessarily the case.

In a normal person a hair will grow for about two to six years. After that it will go into a resting period and eventually fall out. The follicle from which the hair grew soon starts to produce a new hair. This cycle is repeated over and over again until old age.

Where a person however suffers to a genetic predisposition to baldness, something goes wrong. As soon as testosterone comes into contact with the enzymes present in the hair cell, it produces a very potent androgen. This androgen then binds with receptors that are found in the hair follicles and eventually shrinks or even destroys the hair follicle. This condition is commonly known as androgenic alopecia.

Not all hair loss problems in women are caused by androgenic alopecia, however. It has lately been found that there can be many contributing factors. One of these is hormonal problems. A condition called polycystic ovary syndrome is often the result, the primary symptom of which is hair loss.

It has also been found that certain auto-immune disorders can result in an inflammatory hair disease which causes hair to come out in patches or clumps.

Various other causes of hair loss have been identified. Some of them have to do with your diet, others with illness or sudden trauma. Thyroid disorders and certain types of medicines have also been found to cause hair loss in some women. The problem of hairloss in women is therefore a complicated one and it's important to find the root cause before recommending a solution.

Do you know what the causes of hairloss in women are? Hairloss Expert Kalpana has the inside skinny now on

Examine Digging Into the Causes of Hair Loss Among Women much more

More and more women are beset with the problem of losing their hair to the point of getting bald. I know that most men in their 30s experience this hair issue; however, I never realized that it can also occur to women like me.

Loss of hair among women can be attributed to a lot of factors:

Stress plays an essential part in losing hair. It has been blamed for most of human diseases such as cancer, hypertension, coronary artery disease, back and neck pain, etc. Our hair is not exempted from the damage it creates. When we are under stress, our bodies give off some chemicals like adrenaline, which flows into our blood stream. Since our hair follicles are sensitive, they are damaged by this upsurge resulting to loss of hair. Nevertheless, it would be good to know that hair can go to its normal growth pattern once we are freed of stressful circumstances.
Hormonal changes are a common thing among women. This starts at puberty and goes on until a woman reaches her menopausal stage. Hormonal imbalance in women can be generated by pregnancy, childbirth and miscarriage. These hormonal imbalances are also to be blamed for hair loss among the female gender.
Major surgery or lingering diseases. The prescribed drugs that are to be taken after surgery or in treating chronic diseases result to the falling and thinning of hair. Diseases such hypertension, heart diseases, arthritis and depression can lead to hair loss. It is the same way with those who are going through chemotherapy or are taking birth control pills. Lingering diseases and major surgeries can exhaust or slow down the body's energy reserves and affect hair growth.
If there is male pattern baldness, there is also female pattern baldness, which is usually inherited from the genes of either parent. Almost a quarter of the female gender population is affected with female pattern baldness. It is, however, more likely to occur if both parents have this history. Female androgenic alopecia occurs slowly unlike in men. Hair starts to thin out over the scalp and spreads slowly as the hair continues to thin out.
Undernourishment is another cause of hair loss among women. Our hair is made of keratin, a type of protein. The lack of protein in our food can lead to its damage as well as to its loss. It is because the protein will be preserved by our bodies leaving nothing for the hair. Hence, our hair suffers and will eventually fall.

If you noticed that your hair is starting to thin out, go to a doctor or a trichologist to treat this issue. Early diagnosis of hair problems will give you the chance of recovering the health of your hair. Wearing a wig is one of the most traditional ways of covering baldness. There is also the medication program where you will be prescribed to apply a hair lotion on your scalp. Another alternative is to have a hair transplant.

On the other hand, the cosmetics industry offers some products that induce the hair fibers to grow, known as hair building fibers. These minuscule keratin fibers are sprayed onto the thinning areas of the scalp, which encourages hair growth in a matter of seconds. Hence, your scalp gets to show natural fuller growing fuller hair. They are too small that no one will ever notice them on your scalp.

I would say that thinning hair is taboo among women. It signifies that one is getting old but also of a weak body system. So if you belong to the group of women with thinning hair, do not lose hope as there is a solution. You can still recover your hair if you wanted to.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Before you buy anything online, make sure you read more about the effects of Keratin treatments, and keratin hair building fibers

Digging Into the Causes of Hair Loss Among Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Go through Hair Loss in Women - Effective Ways to Combat Thinning Hair in Women much more

This condition in women is often treated on two levels: nutritional (even at bulb level) and hormonal/endocrinal. Nutritionally speaking, following a healthy diet is essential. Avoiding coffee, alcohol, simple sugars and simple carbs (white bread, for example), consuming whole grains, extra virgin olive oil, proteins (but not those containing animal fat) can be very useful. Try and eat organic foods as much as you can, because pesticides and other treatments in regular food may influence negatively on your hair. Zinc with Copper, Vitamin C with Iron, Botin, Vitamin B complex (but not too much Vitamin B6), Vitamins A and E, Selenium, Primrose oil, Folic Acid and PABA are all very useful.

Topic use of progesterone and Minoxidil (up to 5%) can be useful, especially if together (not one or the other). Find a good dermatologist who is willing to try the latest treatment to treat this condition.

Homeopathy is extremely useful if your condition is linked to hormonal or endocrinal reasons, but also if your condition is caused by other reason. It is particularly useful in women because, 'naturally speaking', this condition is a symptom of some type of imbalance, and homeopathy is ideal to treat such imbalances. If you choose the right homeopathic treatment your hair falling can stop almost overnight, and that's the absolutely fabulous property of homeopathy.

As per choosing and finding an excellent homeopath versus self-medication, I would recommend the former unless you have already extensive knowledge of homeopathy, of its potency and its commonly used dosages. If you decide to seek the help of a homeopath, I would recommend one who specializes in Practical (or Contemporary) Homeopathy rather than only in Classical Homeopathy.

Two main homeopathic remedies against this condition are Sepia and Lycopodium Other remedies against female this condition are: Graphite, Calcarea Carbonica, Pituitary Gland, Thyroidinum, Folliculinum.

Hair Loss In Women
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Hair Loss in Women - Effective Ways to Combat Thinning Hair in Women

Read Hair Loss - Understanding This Condition additional

Hair Loss - Understanding This Condition

Hair Loss

The best way to find a solution to a problem is by understanding it first. If you are suffering from hair loss, you should discover the causes and your options in treating it. Certainly, the more you know about this particular condition, the better and faster you will be able to treat it. Loss of hair is a condition many are suffering from all over the world but if most of these people spend time to understand this condition, then they wouldn't be struggling.

Hair just like the rest of our body needs vitamins and nutrients to grow. It is the fastest growing tissue in our body, which is composed of a protein called keratin. A strand of hair has three layers starting from the inner to the outer, which are the medulla, the cortex, and the cuticle. Roots are where the growth of hair starts from which is why the most important part of maintaining healthy hair is by taking care of the scalp and the roots.

Loss of hair is actually a natural occurrence as it is expected that you lose approximately 100 hairs daily. So don't be alarmed when you notice a lot of hair fall because it is just normal for hair to do so. These hairs will grow back anyway, which you will notice when you have plenty of short hairs growing on your head. Only when you start losing 50% of your hair is when you are considered to be suffering from hair loss.

There are many reasons as to why loss of hair occurs. In most men, this condition takes place due to hereditary reasons and in some cases, this problem is because of an unhealthy lifestyle caused by bad habits as well as stress. Remember that your hair is a part of your body so if you aren't practicing healthy living, it could affect your hair as well.

Several treatments are also available for treating loss of hair. You can choose from herbal remedies, medications, or surgery. Saw Palmetto is an herbal solution that many find effective in treating this problem. However others find using medications such as Minoxidil or Propecia as a better option. When the condition is severe, you may also want to opt for surgical solutions, which involves transplants of hair plugs.

With understanding hair loss, you shouldn't have any difficulty treating this condition. Whenever you are suffering from anything, it would be wise to learn more about it first so you can treat it the best possible way you can.

Before finding a solution to any condition, you should understand it first. Stop by the Hair Loss site to know more about it and your treatment options.

Go through Discovering the Causes of Hair Loss in Women additional

Though both men and women do have problems with hair loss it's the women which seems to suffer most. Not only can it be more of an emotional issue with females but they usually lose a lot more hair with a hair loss problem when compared with the man. When a woman discovers that she has a hair loss problem she should seek medical advice since their are many remedies available that will help the problem.

Learning what causes baldness for females is the initial step to consider simply because with out realizing the cause no true remedy can be found. There are several distinct causes which are feasible. Each woman is different and working with a doctor to help is the best move to make since they should be able to detect the cause and administer the proper. They may take some tests that will help determine what the cause may be.

In many situations tension will be discovered for being the main reason for hair loss. Women have a lot to worry about and take care of nowadays so that isn't a shocking revelation. Women normally watch over the children and many maintain jobs as well and so it is obvious why they're sensing the weight associated with everything. The bad news is that there's a thinning hair issue but what's promising can be that if it's due to anxiety, most likely the problem can be handled fairly effortlessly and effectively. When the stress is relieved, the hair may return.

One can find many different causes for women's hair loss for example certain medications might cause hair loss. Lots of women may be taking medication for one reason or another and loss of hair is often times an experienced side effect. Periodically it's simply because the woman isn't responding effectively to the drug or it might just be that it's creating too much inner stress on her body. Any physician in this circumstance will have to find another similar treatment with identical results but without the adverse side effects.

There are a lot of alternatives available for women who are experiencing loss of hair and most will be able to find a solution that will work.

Receding Hairline will give you the information your looking for and provide resources for finding the right solution for hair loss in women.

Discovering the Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Hair Loss In Women

Examine Hair Loss - Vitamin D a lot more

Hair Loss - Vitamin D

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

One interesting vitamin that get produced in the skin from direct exposure to the sun figures as another nutrient that helps prevent hair loss. Vitamin D aids in the regulation of calcium metabolism for stronger bones. It is an essential nutrient for growing kids whose calcium requirements for healthy bones can be significant in their growing years.

Most of our vitamin D requirement is produced by the skin when exposed to the sun. Some foods do contain the vitamin like cod liver oil, salmon, cereals and dairy products.

1. Vitamin D in baldness

No scientific studies have yet to show any direct relationship between hair growth and vitamin D. But observations suggest that a deficiency in it results in rickets which can lead to baldness. In addition, lab studies with mice deprived of vitamin D result in complete body hair loss.

Some experts believe that a deficiency in the vitamin when coupled with deficiencies in the fatty acids that convert cholesterol into useful "good" cholesterol, baldness can occur. While lack of vitamin D has not be proven to result in hair loss, having the right levels can help maintain normal hair growth which is what is needed to neutralize excessive hair loss.

2. Vitamin D Risks

Vitamin D is another fat-soluble vitamin that is not easily excreted by the body when there's too much of it. It is fat-soluble and gets stored together with excess fat and is known to exhibit toxicity levels that can harm the health of adults. Weight loss can result and even hair loss. Vitamin D over production can get phosphate and excess calcium deposited in some organs like the kidneys and other soft tissues that can result in calcinosis.

It is rare that a person gets to overdose on vitamin D unless he eats a lot of cod liver oil. Even over exposure to the sun doesn't result in vitamin overproduction in the skin since the skin's melanin content regulates vitamin D production.

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