Read through Hair Loss in Women - Treatment That Works more

Hair styles vary from individual to individual and it is that which makes a woman or a man look more pleasing and appealing. As hair style changes from day to day, most of the hair styles become outdated but still the outdated hair styles may be appealing for certain individuals. Hair is considered to be a crowning glory, as it not only makes a woman more appealing but it also assures more confidence. But due to various reasons hair fall occurs in most woman and if this happens, she may even go to the extent of losing hope in her life.

The usage of hair conditioner and hair styling products among women has rapidly increased over the years. Chemical imbalance of the hair styling products and the manner in which it is applied to hair damages the follicles. Once the hair fall starts, it is definitely advisable for a woman to meet the doctor as early as possible, so as to make a diagnosis and seek a better treatment. If it is delayed the hair follicles will be affected to a greater extent and when it grows it would become thinner creating an uncomfortable and embarrassing situation for her.

In order to rectify the problem of hair falling, it is advisable to follow promptly the suggestions of the doctor who has diagnosed you in the long run. There may be several reasons such as pregnancy, hormonal changes, recent illness, aging, stress, medical aids or excessive dieting for hair fall but pertaining to the problems if proper treatment is given, one can recover from this ailment. Proper rest and correct diet can also streamline the cycle of hair growth. Hair loss can also be a genetic reason for many ladies. It is better to find a right solution for your hair loss than to blame genetic reasons.

Female Pattern Baldness or genetic factor may also be a reason for hair loss and if this is the reason then there are many solutions and aids to solve this problem. For women in such case Provillus hair loss treatment may be advisable as it would rectify the problems of hair follicles. Hair must be kept healthy and nourished. A natural treatment serves as a better remedy for a person suffering from this problem because it is superior in quality. You can be sure of good results, if this is taken as prescribed by the doctor. Provillus hair loss treatment is a natural treatment that really works and gives you the best results within few days.

Hair Loss In Women
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Hair Loss in Women - Treatment That Works

Read Hair Loss - Disaster For The Young Man extra

Hair Loss - Disaster For The Young Man

Hair Loss

When we are somewhat younger, the male of the species preen themselves for an evening out, usually with the intention of attracting the opposite sex. This is no different of course than any other member of the animal kingdom, we like to make sure that we look our best. We check out our clothes and everything else just to make sure that everything is just so, and then we take a final look in the mirror to check out the result.

Shock horror!! We look at our faces in the mirror, look at the top of the head in the reflected image and notice that there is a noticeable thinning of the hair. Hair loss, the fear of every young man! All things go through the mind. Imaginings of being bald in a few months. How could we possibly face anyone, least of all the female of the species, displaying a shiny dome, a bit of hair on either side of the head. Worse still, perhaps there will be just a little hair left on top and we might be forced to use the dreaded "comb over". Life is surely at a social end as we know it.

What is the remedy for this dastardly condition? How can we cope with the indignity? It is the time, we think, that hair loss will make a difference to our social status. The back of the hand remarks from "friends" - no chance of support there. What in heaven's name is the solution?

A lot of men nowadays seem to "solve" the problem by simply shaving their heads and "hide" the fact that hair loss is happening at all. Maybe that might work in a lot of cases, but it is quite obvious that this particular "style" does not suit everyone. Because of the shape of peoples' faces, this particular form of "hair removal" can have an adverse effect. It can, of course, give the impression of aggressiveness. This, of course, can be gleaned from what we see in the entertainment media. It appears that most of the "heavies" in movies and on television, appear to have shaven heads. This could be an unfair assumption, but often first appearances engender lasting opinions.

Another drastic and "final solution" to a hair loss problem, is buying a toupee. Now, this may suit some people and indeed there are some very good examples of this cosmetic aid. Vanity must take preference though for this means of combating hair loss - rather than actually really wanting to put one of these things on your head.

The fear element of wearing the toupee must be of major concern as well. By definition, the thing actually sits on the head. Presumably there is no adhesive involved in fitting it to its final position. If that be the case, then it must be a major risk that it will part itself from the head on some occasion, whether if the wind may blow a little too hard one day, or perhaps a sudden movement might dislodge it from its "home" position. In either case, surely the embarrassment from this type of incident would far outweigh the actual hair loss issue. In this case the slogan surely must be: "Bald is beautiful".

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Hair Loss

Go through Different Forms of Hair Loss far more

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia, (AGA), is also known as pattern hair loss or pattern baldness. This form of alopecia is, by far, the most common type of hair loss. Occuring in more than 40 million American men and 20 million American women, pattern hair loss is likely to affect almost every individual at some point in their adult life. In men, pattern hair loss occurs when the anterior hairline recedes, often as the crown scalp hair thins. In severely affected men, the pattern may become pronounced to the point that only a thin fringe of hair remains in the back of the scalp. In women, the degree of hair loss is typically less severe and the anterior hairline is preserved.

In susceptible persons, hair follicles contain androgen-sensitive receptors that act like hair loss triggers. In the presence of androgens, genes that shorten the growing phase of the hair are stimulated, and hair follicles shrink and become miniaturized. As the hair successively cycles, the follicles become smaller (leading to shorter, finer hair), and hypopigmented vellus hairs replace fully pigmented terminal hairs. In women, the thinning is diffuse, but more pronounced in the frontal and parietal scalp. Even men with severe androgenetic alopecia almost always retain a thin fringe of hair behind the ears in the back of the scalp.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata (AA) describes discrete lesions of patchy hair loss arising from an autoimmune etiology. AA usually presents as a single oval patch or multiple confluent patches of asymptomatic, well-circumscribed, nonscarring lesions devoid of hair. Severity varies from a small bare patch to loss of hair on the entire scalp. So-called "exclamation point" hairs are a hallmark of the disorder. These hairs are usually located at the periphery of the patch and extend several millimeters above the scalp.

Alopecia areata is diagnosed in approximately 1 to 2 percent of the general population, with men and women equally affected. The condition may be present in persons of any age, but most commonly occurs in those under age 30.

The course of alopecia areata is one of spontaneous remissions and recurrences. Although patients with this disorder are usually otherwise healthy, some have comorbid conditions such as atopy, thyroid disease, or vitiligo. AA has been strongly associated with certain human leukocyte antigen class II alleles.

Immunomodulating agents used in the treatment of alopecia areata include corticosteroids, 5 percent minoxidil, and anthralin ointment. Topical immunotherapeutic agents (e.g., dinitrochlorobenzene, squaric acid dibutyl ester, and diphenylcyclopropenone) are also used, although management regimens for these potent agents are challenging. Dermatology consultation or referral may be necessary. All of these agents stimulate hair growth but do not prevent hair loss. Moreover, they probably do not influence the course of the disease.

Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia can be caused by cosmetic practices that damage hair follicles over time. Cosmetic alopecia has been linked to the use of brush rollers, curling irons, hair brushes with square or angular tips, and tight braiding of the hair. This type of hair loss can also occur after excessive applications of chemical softening agents such as relaxers and permanent waves, especially those that use lye-based perms and colorings. Hair replacement systems, hair weaves, wigs and other prosthesis can cause traction alopecia. The condition is usually reversed once the trauma is stopped. Examination of the scalp shows short broken hairs, folliculitis and, not infrequently, scarring.


Trichotillomania, another cause of traumatic alopecia, is a compulsive behavior involving the repeated plucking of one's hair. The behavior is frequently a response to a stressful situation. Women display this behavior more often than men, and children more often than adults. Children are often aware that they are plucking their hair and may be amenable to behavioral interventions. When the behavior persists into adulthood, patients may not acknowledge the behavior.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium describes a family of nonscarring alopecias characterized by diffuse hair shedding, often with an acute onset. A chronic form of longer duration is also noted in the literature. As with other forms of hair loss, the cause of telogen effluvium remains poorly understood, however metabolic, hormonal, febrile or other factors may influence the progression of the disease. Generally, recovery is spontaneous and occurs within 6 to 12 months.

Hair Loss

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Different Forms of Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Read through Women and Hair Loss: Possible Causes additional

A woman is always associated with long and thick hair. Thus it becomes a matter of great concern for a woman when she suffers from acute hairloss. Hair is almost like a treasure for her and thus when she suffers from hairloss; it feels as if a valuable treasure has been lost forever. The problem of women hair loss is a rather common phenomenon. It assumes a very serious dimension considering the importance and value attached to women hair these days when talking about beauty. It, therefore, makes sense to know possible causes of women hair loss so as to guard against it.

One of the main and possible causes of women hairloss is lack of balanced diet. For a healthy hair, proper nutrition cannot be overlooked in any way. Just as you know or, at least, have heard, healthy eating habit is vital to your overall wellbeing. In the same way, your hair needs good foods that will supply it with essential vitamins for growth. Nowadays, many women have taken to crash diet in the run of getting a "size zero" figure, but they forget that in that process, they miss out on all the vital nutrients that are essential for their health and the growth of beautiful natural hair.

Another one of the possible causes of women hair loss are hair products that you use. Making a wrong choice of shampoo and conditioner as well as styling products could cause you to lose your hair. The reason why this may be so is the chemical imbalance that wrong products could cause leading to damages to your hair follicles.

Most women have a notion that they can make their hair beautiful and long by using various cosmetics that are easily available in the market unaware of the fact that it contains many harmful chemicals which causes serious damage to their hair and often leading to acute hair fall. This can be avoided by undergoing Ayurveda treatment which includes harmless natural products and techniques to enable hair regrowth and prevent acute hair loss.

There are also some other variety of factors that could lead to women hair loss or retard hair growth. One of these is hair covering in form of helmets or caps that could constrain space for hair growth. Nasty weather is also a possible cause of women hair loss. For example, intense sunlight may cause damages to hair follicles with unpleasant consequences.

There you have some of possible causes of women hair loss that you may need to guard against to avoid issues.

Women and Hair Loss: Possible Causes

Hair Loss In Women

Read through Hair Loss in Women - What Causes Female Hair Loss? a lot more

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Losing hair or watching it progressively thin is difficult for many people to accept, but for women it can be even more difficult. We are more accustomed to seeing receding hairlines or thinning hair on men, not that it is an easy condition for men either, but society is a bit more accepting of male-patterned baldness. The only time we expect to see balding in women is when they are going through specific medical treatments like chemotherapy.

Most Common Causes of Female Hair Loss

One of the main causes of hair loss in women, and men for that matter, is androgenetic alopecia, more commonly called male or female-patterned baldness. While many see this as a male problem, it affects a large number of women as well. It is the kind that runs in the family, on either side of the family.

Hormone imbalances are another big contributor. A hormone imbalance can be caused by a variety of things including pregnancy, oral contraception, a thyroid problem or menopause to name just a few. In most cases this only causes temporary hair loss in women and once the hormones are balanced the thinning will stop and regrowth will occur.

A high level of physical or emotional stress can also cause an alopecia. This can be triggered by a particularly stressful event like a death in the family or a divorce.

Other Causes Of Hair Loss in Women

There are a number of other things that can cause thinning or balding in women. Certain medications, outside of birth control, can cause a problem with this, as well as treatment for certain medical conditions like chemotherapy and radiation.

Areata alopecia is an autoimmune condition that causes the body to attack the hair follicles. This can result in patchy thinning or balding spots.

Certain hairstyles can cause traction alopecia in some women. Styles that constantly pull on the hair like tight ponytails, extensions or cornrows. Over processing can also cause hair to become damaged and brittle, but this is generally different than true alopecia in women.

In some cases diet can play a role, things like fad diets or severe eating disorder can cause a nutritional deficiency leading to female hair loss.

In the case of androgenic alopecia, or if there is a temporary hair loss and you want to promote new hair growth products like Provillus can be helpful. But it is important to see a doctor to figure out the specific cause in order to find the best hair loss treatment method.

Find out where to Buy Provillus for Women or learn more about how to prevent hair loss.

Hair Loss in Women - What Causes Female Hair Loss?

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Go through Causes of Hair Thinning in Women more

Causes of Hair Thinning in Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Many women experience hair thinning. However, if you become knowledgeable about issues related to hair, you can avoid problems, including those that cause hair thinning in women.

Basically hair thinning is nothing but hair loss. Many factors contribute this hair loss. Usually women do get bald like the men. The most common cause of hair thinning in women is female pattern baldness, also known androgenic alopecia. Usually men suffer from this type of a hair loss which is caused by DHT or dihydrotestosterone, which is a male sex hormone. The same hormone also causes hair thinning in women and since women have less male hormone in their blood, the hair loss is characterized by hair thinning rather than baldness.

There are products available that act as inhibitors of DHT but you need to consult a doctor in order to prescribe them for you. However, there are some products that you can buy over the Internet that can help you. But before you do this, it is best to read all the possible literature you can find so that you do not end up causing yourself more harm than benefit. If DHT is not the cause of your hair thinning, other factors might be contributing to your hair loss problem.

Other Causes of Hair Thinning in Women:
o Medication
o Stress
o Hormonal imbalance
o Birth control pills

Since DHT is not the only cause of hair thinning in women, it is essential for you to take the hair strands from your brush or the bathroom drainer to a specialist so that he can advice you the best possible treatment for your hair loss.

Pauline Go is an online leading expert in medical industry. She also offers top quality medical tips like : What Does a Mosquito Look Like?, Coverage For Alternative Medicine

Go through Genetic Hair Loss in Women much more

We have always heard about hair loss in men, but it is also a condition that affects many women. Most men are expecting hair loss, because it is a well known fact that it will happen with age. Women on the other hand, use their hair as a fashion statement and spend a great deal of time taking care of it. When it starts to fall out, it can often cause the woman to lose confidence because it is such an immediate and unexpected event. With men, hair loss is usually genetic, while stress, age, or illness will result in hair loss for women. Genetic hair loss in women is usually not as common. However, it can happen to the best of us. Problems that are not caused by genetic hair loss in women consist of three different scenarios.

Telogen Effluvium

This is the most common reason for hair loss that targets many women. This is a condition that occurs after an illness, traumatic shock, or a large amount of stress. The hair loss is usually a thinning that takes place over the entire scalp. Telogen Effluvium will take place 3 months after the event. This is usually very shocking for the person, since it happens so many months after they experience the stress or illness. Pregnancy is the most common for Telogen Effluvium. The reason that the scalp goes through Telogen Effluvium at a later date is because the scalp enters the 'telogen' phase when the event takes place. This is known as the resting stage of the hair's life. The telogen stage will then last for 3 months before the hair starts to shed. The hair will usually grow back on its own, but it is common for the hair to enter female pattern hair loss which becomes an on-going problem.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female pattern hair loss is a common reason for hair loss in women. This is usually in one area of the scalp, which occurs on the top of the head. It might be hard to realize but women produce the same testosterone hormone as men, only in much smaller amounts. If a woman experiences genetic hair loss, or pattern hair loss, this does not mean that they have more testosterone than others. It simply means that the balance between testosterone and the reductase enzyme is not evenly balanced. This usually occurs with women who are going through menopause.


For over the counter medications, you can find homeopathic, ayurvedic and allopathic medications. You can also find recipes for homemade remedies that can help with thickening the hair and gaining hair. It is best to consult a doctor about your condition before trying any form of treatment. The doctor can tell you if your condition is too severe for over the counter or homemade treatments, which will save you money in the long run. Genetic hair loss in women may be permanent, but there are ways of disguising the issue or preventing it from happening at a rapid rate. Make a date for a consultation with your doctor so that they can discuss genetic hair loss in women with you.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Tracy Ballisager is a stay at home mum. To read more on causes of hair loss in women go to []

Genetic Hair Loss in Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Read through The Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women a lot more

There are various causes of hair loss in women and it significantly affects your personal style. More than that, for a woman it is considerable degrading to have their hair thinning at an early age.

Several shampoos in the market have this aspect of making your hair fall out once they're applied. Well, to start with, the fears are not baseless, and every year more and more women are coming to terms with this particular fact.

The American Academy of Dermatology has found that due to the causes of hair loss in women, 30 million women in the country are being affected by this problem.

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

The interrupted growth cycle of hair in females is disturbing. According to the experts, tresses generally grow ay the rate of half an inch a month, and every strand of the hair has a growth phase of about 2 to 6 years.

Once that is reached, the hair is said to "rest" for a certain while with the follicle from which it sprang, soon beginning to grow once more with a new strand. This is how the cycle continues well into the old age. Hair loss is caused by a genetic predisposition of androgens.

Female Baldness: One of the primary causes of hair loss in women is the same as it is in men. Often, they suffer from androgenetic alopecia that is a particular kind of reaction to the presence of male hormones in the human body.

This is concerned with the conversion of testosterone into DHT, which is not very hair friendly. Where it concerns women, the pattern baldness may start at a later age with the effects being less severe on account of the presence of the female hormones.

However, the consequences are more or less the same as are found in men.

Telogen Effluvium: This is the second of the most important causes of hair loss in women that commonly affects women. However, the very nature of the condition is surprising.

The telogen effluvium is affected by an overall thinning of the hair and receding hairline in the scalp. It is affected on account of some distressing event that you might have encountered. It causes sufficient stress to interfere with the normal growing cycle of the hair.

Pregnancy is an example of an event that can interfere with the hair growth cycle of the body. This is why, the occurrence of telogen effluvium is evident in women.

Alopecia Areata: This is among the causes of hair loss in women and is featured with patches of hear loss in the head region. Contrarily, the results can appear more widespread throughout the entire body.

Scientists have diagnosed the cause of this kind of hair loss to be because of the immune deficiencies, although there is too much information available or evidence to support this claim.

So in reviewing the common causes of hair loss in women, in a number of situations, the hair grows again spontaneously after a particular period of time. In others, the growth may be slower and take time to develop.

David Lebowe is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural hair care products. Visit his site now to discover cutting edge, natural hair care products [] he recommends after extensive research: [].

The Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Read Understanding The Cause Of Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency additional

Hair Loss

Until now the debate over hair loss vitamin deficiency has been raging. One side says that hair loss is not due to a lack of vitamins in the body. The other side says that losing your hair due to nutrient deficiency is very real. What is the truth about hair loss vitamin deficiency?

Hair Loss

Even the healthiest person can experience hair loss. This is because hair loss is often caused by heredity and the action of hormones. Some individuals actually have genes that make them sensitive to the hormone DHT. It is this hormone that eventually shrinks the hair follicles and causes hair loss. This doesn't mean though that there is no truth behind hair loss vitamin deficiency. In a way, being deficient in some vitamins and minerals could contribute to hair loss in people of all shapes, colors and sizes.

Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency

Human hair is not an artificial attachment. It is very much a part of our bodies. Whatever we put inside our bodies will therefore either nourish or contribute to the diminished quality and quantity of our hair. It has been scientifically proven that eating meals that lack some vitamins and minerals can make you shed some hair strands.

People suspect that vitamin deficiency is caused by bad eating habits. Uncontrolled dieting, frequent fast food meals or not eating at all due to lack of time are only some of the modern conditions that can help promote hair loss vitamin deficiency.

Nutrients You Need

Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet would, naturally though, decrease the chances of suffering from hair loss. This would mean cutting down on fat, eating only lean meat and increasing your intake of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Other than this common sense tip, you should also remember to ensure that you have enough of some specific vitamins and minerals to prevent hair loss vitamin deficiency. One examples of these anti hair loss vitamins are the B complex vitamins specifically vitamin B6. This vitamin is necessary for promoting healthy blood cells which are needed to distribute nutrients to the entire body, including the hair. B complex vitamins can be found in beans, poultry, milk, cabbage, oatmeal, nuts and spinach.

Aside from the B-complex group, you should also make sure that you have enough vitamin C, A, E and K. Other than vitamins, increase your intake of foods with magnesium and zinc too.

Because it is not always possible to get all these nutrients by food and diet alone, it is also advisable to take vitamin and mineral supplements.

Other Hair Loss Cases

You may have another cause for hair loss if you are taking the right supplements and eating balanced diet but still having hair loss. Consider looking into other factors. It is possible that if hair loss does not run in your family, then it could be caused by stress, restrictive hairstyles or an autoimmune disorder.

What causes hair loss vitamin deficiency? To find the right treatment learn more about the cause of hair loss.

Understanding The Cause Of Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency

Read Hair Loss in Women Causes Emotional Depression a lot more

Horrified by my own reflection, I fell to the cool tile of my bathroom floor and sobbed uncontrollably. "Why God, why are you doing this?" I demanded. It was now impossible to conceal my baldness with the few strands of hair remaining on my scalp. It was inevitable...soon I would be completely bald.

I was advised to get a good wig and get on with my life. My friends and family urged me to count my blessings and concentrate on my strengths rather than my weaknesses. I felt guilty and vain to worry about something so trivial as hair when other people were faced with more serious, life-threatening problems. "It's just hair" I told myself over and over. But hair is more than just hair. Why else would it be referred to as our "crowning glory?"

When we have hair, we can style it one way to match our mood; or, we can style it a different way to change our mood! We can tell the world who we are by how we wear our hair. We can look elegant or conservative when it's appropriate. Within minutes, with a few products and styling tools we can look fun and spunky. Without hair we lose an important tool for expressing who we are or how we feel.

Many women feel guilty for caring so much about their hair when there are bigger problems in the world. Women with hair loss should not feel guilty for mourning their hair loss. As we lose our hair we feel like we're losing part of ourselves.

Mild to severe depression is common for women experiencing excessive hair loss, especially when it is dismissed as a cosmetic problem; and the only advice they are given is to "learn to live with it."

Although I was given the same advice, I didn't follow it. Instead I decided to do something about it. Believing that "knowledge is power" I armed myself with information, learning as much as possible about the types and causes of hair loss.

Taking control of the situation helps to alleviate the associated depression. Learning how other people helped their hair loss creates hope and determination. It changes the focus and creates the confidence needed to help restore physical and emotional help and to find the right treatment, based on individual needs to improve the quality of one's hair.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women
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Hair Loss in Women Causes Emotional Depression

Understand Top Common Causes For Hair Loss in Women additional

Top Common Causes For Hair Loss in Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss and baldness is often related to men. Hair thinning on the other hand is more common in women. The fact is that both situations can happen to men, women and even to children. It can be caused to many and varied reasons.

For men, it is typically genetic or inherited. For children, they could be caused by fungal infections or diseases. Especially for women, losing hair can cause them to lose some of her self confidence. Because of that, we will discuss more the reasons for women to lose hair. Here are the different reasons:
Stress. Although it sounds unbelievable, but yes, studies have shown that stress and fatigue may trigger this condition. Stress from illness may also happen. Women who have come from an operation may experience hair loss due to their illness.
Hormonal Changes. Hair loss is often attributed to a by-product of the hormone testosterone called as DHT. Men and women have both testosterone and estrogen although men have more testosterone and women have more estrogen. In women, the controlling hormone is the estrogen. If it happens that she experiences estrogen imbalance, testosterone levels may also be uncontrolled. Thus promoting DHT imbalance, and therefore can cause women to lose hair more. Women who have just given birth may experience temporary hair loss. When her hormone levels approach normal values, hair growth will soon resume.
Drugs. Antibiotics may have this side effect. Any woman experiencing an infection or a disease may notice that they're losing more hair while they are taking their prescription drugs. Sometimes, this can be temporary and will soon go away after stopping the medication.
Improper Hair Care. Harsh shampoos and other hair treatments may damage the hair resulting to unhealthy hair which eventually will lead women to lose hair.

Losing hair is embarrassing. Fortunately there are ways that you can do to fix that. Click on the link to know more about Hair Loss Treatment [] where you can find helpful review on Hair Loss Product []!

Study Reversing Hair Loss in Women much more

For women that are experiencing thinning hair, looking in the mirror can bring about absolute panic and fear. The same reflection that used to be such a treat to envision immediately becomes our own worst enemy.

Women who have experienced thinning hair often share stories of trying to get ready in the morning without looking at their hair at all, choosing to pile it up in a bun in an attempt to hide the thin areas.

Throughout history women have associated their sense of self worth and physical beauty with the quality of their hair so it just makes sense that these feelings of panic and fear should come up when dealing with hair loss.

Hair loss in women can be caused by several different factors including stress, overall health, nutrition and a genetic history of female pattern baldness. For most of us thinning hair feels like the end of the world but thanks to advances in medicine reversing thinning hair has become easier than ever imagined.

How To Reverse Hair Loss In Women

A woman's scalp hair loss is directly related to the health of her hair follicles. If follicles are not healthy and strong they 'go to sleep' and cannot re grow hair after old hair falls out. By repairing and restoring those follicles to working order you can once again experience normal hair growth.

Hair loss for a woman is one of the worst things imaginable but there is still time to save your lovely locks!

Hair Loss In Women

By taking a few simple steps, hair loss in women can be stopped and the damage can be reversed. To learn more about thinning hair and female pattern baldness as well as treatment options please visit the hair loss in women website.

Reversing Hair Loss in Women

Hair Loss In Women

Read Hair Loss Scalp Disorder: Seborrheic Dermatitis extra

Hair Loss

There can be several disorders or diseases that result in hair loss. Hair loss is an indication that there can be a problem that is happening inside your body. One disorder that is related to the changes on the scalp is known as seborrheic dermatitis. This is a common inherited disorder and should be treated continuously and as soon as possible.

Seborrheic dermatitis is also often known as dandruff, eczema or cradle cap. When you have seborrheic dermatitis, you experience a change in the skin texture on your scalp. This will include either greasy or oily areas over the scalp or white flakes that are coming from your scalp. You are also likely to experience itching and redness in the scalp area, and also hair loss.

If you notice any of the above mentioned symptoms, then you may be having seborrheic dermatitis. For treatment, you can use a medicated shampoo for direct application on your scalp. Depending on the shampoo, it will contain a variety of ingredients that will help.

If the medicated shampoo fails to arrest your hair loss and scalp disorder, you can get a prescribed medication from a health care provider in order to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis. These shampoos will contain medications such as salicylic acid, coal tar, zinc, resorcin and selenium. The prescribed medications will have stronger amounts of these ingredients in them, as well as added ketoconazole and corticosteroids. You can also massage your head in order to get the balance in the scalp back to a normal condition. This is especially effective with children who are dealing with seborrheic dermatitis.

While seborrheic dermatitis can easily be treated with the right shampoos and care for the hair, it cannot easily be prevented. Once you have the symptoms, it will be likely that you may get them again. You will need to continue to use the shampoos that have the medication in them and take the necessary measures in order to prevent the problem from coming back.

In addition, make sure that you have an adequate supply of essential vitamins and supplements. As always, a healthy diet helps. Adopt good hair care tips to prevent more hair loss.

If you are having a difficult time from preventing this problem, then you can consult a health care provider about possible treatments. Having an understanding seborrheic dermatitis and knowing how to treat the problem will help you in maintaining a healthy scalp and hair.

Kathlene Capelle writes on hair loss solution, female hair loss, male hair loss, cause of hair loss, natural hair loss treatment and hair care tips. Her blog also includes home made recipes for hair loss. For hair loss remedy information and news updates, please visit

Hair Loss Scalp Disorder: Seborrheic Dermatitis

Hair Loss

Understand Hair Loss - Women and Vitamin Deficiency extra

One of the things women need to be aware of is their nutrition. Vitamins are essential tools in caring for your body. In proper balance, vitamins help keep the body in as a healthy a state as possible. Not having enough of certain vitamins can cause any number of health conditions including hair loss. Hair loss, women, and vitamin deficiency is a bad connection.

Vitamins for Hair Health

Vitamin A is stored in the liver. If too much is consumed, the excess will be stored in other parts of the body. This could cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, lethargy, headaches and hair loss. Too little vitamin A can cause coarse hair and dry skin. Food sources of vitamin A include cabbage, apricots, carrots, peaches, eggs, milk, cheese, and even fish liver oil.

Vitamin E is important in hair loss. Vitamin E is said to be helpful in preventing the loss of hair and in stalling the process of hair going gray. Food sources of vitamin E are green leafy vegetables, seeds, dried beans, nuts, and spinach to name a few. Your blood pressure could rise when taking vitamin E so it suggested that if you have high blood pressure that you talk to your doctor before taking vitamin E.

Inositol is a B vitamin found in citrus fruits, whole grains, liver, and in yeast. An inositol deficiency can not only cause hair loss, but eczema as well. It is important in keeping the scalp and hair healthy. As an added benefit, it has also been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamin H is also known as Biotin. Like vitamin E, it helps to prevent hair loss and the graying of hair. Biotin is found in food sources such as egg yolk, kidney, liver, yeast, and milk. It may also be of benefit in nail health and skin health.

Vitamin B group vitamins related to hair loss are B3, B5, and B12. Vitamin B 3 is found in meats, fish, wheat germ and brewer's yeast. Vitamin B 5 is found in egg yolk, meats, and yeast. Vitamin B6 is found in bananas, white and sweet potatoes, as well as spinach.

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables particularly citrus fruits and tomatoes are good sources of folic acid. Eating whole and fortified grain products and beans (lentils) are also sources of folic acid.

Consuming protein is also very good for keeping your hair healthy. Most people tend not to eat enough protein. It can be found in meat, fish, chicken, soy, and eggs. At least one serving per day should be eaten.

There are trace minerals that can benefit your hair such as zinc. It is helpful to take a multivitamin that also contains such trace minerals. The Daily Recommended Allowance is listed on the label.

Deficiencies of these vitamins and minerals can cause a multitude of health conditions. This includes hair loss. This can be prevented by taking the proper amount and eating a healthy diet. On the other hand, consuming too high a dose of them can also cause health conditions. Your doctor or a nutritionist can help you to decide what the proper amount for your needs is appropriate.


Vitamins as well as trace minerals are an integral part of maintaining healthy hair. Hair loss, women, and vitamin deficiency are preventable with the intake of the proper amounts of vitamins as well as some trace minerals. A healthy diet may not provide the daily recommended allowance and it is advised that you should take a multivitamin supplement. Some types of hair loss can be prevented; others can be treated.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women
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Hair Loss - Women and Vitamin Deficiency

Read Women and Hair Loss: The Causes extra

It's a sad truth, but more and more women today are suffering from hair loss. The causes are different as compared to the reasons for balding in men. Hair is often referred to as "the crowning glory", especially for women. It defines their personality, their sense of style. This is why losing it causes women to panic.

The normal hair growth cycle lasts for 2 to 3 years. Each hair grow half an inch per month during the entire cycle. Ninety per cent of the hair grows at the same time, while the remaining ten is in its resting phase. After three months, resting hair falls out and a new hair will grow on its original location as replacement. During the cycle, it is normal to shed hair. Unfortunately though, some are excessive than the others while some never goes back to re-growth.

Some hair fall reasons for women are attributed to genetic predisposition. People with too much androgen, a group of hormones that interferes the natural hair growth process, tend to lose more hair than others. Androgen hormones include testosterone, androsteinedione, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These hormones are largely found in men's bodies, and in small amounts with women's. When testosterone combines with enzymes on the hair cells, it is converted to a stronger androgen DHT which binds with the hair follicles. Excess DHT causes the follicle to shrink and die, and alters the natural resting and growth process. This medical condition is called androgenic alopecia.

Female pattern hair loss is different than males. For example, women who have undergone major surgery may lose large amount of hair due to the illness and stress. Stress, as a source, may cause temporary hair loss. When stability of emotions resume, so does hair growth.

Women often suffer hormonal problems. For example, women with overactive or underactive thyroid glands, tend to have imbalance of androgens. Women who have polycystic ovary syndrome are also prone to losing hair. Correcting this hormonal imbalance also corrects the issue.

Another hair loss reason for women is attributed to pregnancy. During pregnancy, high levels of hormones cause the body to grow more hair than usual. Eventually, after the delivery, the body resumes its normal hormone production which causes the excess hair during pregnancy to fall out. This is medically referred to as telogen effluvium -- a change in the natural hair growth system that often follows childbirth. The same occurs with women who have undergone crash diet, surgery, or a traumatic experience.

Some medicines may also cause hair loss. Birth control pills would be a perfect example. Other medicines, like anticoagulants for high blood or heart problem treatment, excess of vitamin A, and antidepressants may also be a major cause.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

For more information on how to prevent restore your hair loss naturally, visit my blog at

Women and Hair Loss: The Causes

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Examine The Causes Of Female Hair Loss - What Is Causing You to Lose Your Hair? a lot more

The Causes Of Female Hair Loss - What Is Causing You to Lose Your Hair?

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Many women start to lose their hair as they get older. There are many causes of this including pregnancy menopause, illness and other factors. The fact is that is you become older the chances of losing your hair increase dramatically, regardless of if you are man or woman. Hair loss in women can be temporary or permanent depending on what is causing it.

Unlike with men, loss of hair in women is usually diffused or everywhere and it can be quite dramatic as well.

What causes this sort of loss of hair and what can you do about it?

What causes this is called female pattern alopecia. If any females in your family have suffered some hair loss at any time there is a strong possibility you may suffer from it as well. The cause of this is quite similar to the cause in men. This is caused by DHT but in this much smaller quantities than in men but the results can be traumatic. This type of hair loss is normally permanent and not reversible. There are other causes of this that you can help to prevent.

1. Thyroid problems. If you have a problem with this you may see a sudden and fast increase in the amount of hair you lose. By treating the cause of this you're able to stop and reverse this in many cases.

2. Some medications can cause this loss as well. If you are taking antidepressants, birth control pills, or blood thinners you may need to change the type of medication your taking this stop losing hair and reverse it.

3. Another reason for dramatic and serious hair loss is stress. If you are under a lot of stress much you may see your hair fall out very quickly and not even realise what is causing it. Stress induced hair loss is becoming increasingly common and by taking steps to reduce stress. You can stop your hair loss and reverse it.

Other reasons for or hair loss are poor diet and poor nutrition which resulting lack of vitamins and minerals which can cause this to happen to you. This type the problem is easily addressed by changing your diet.

Another reason is using chemicals and dyes in your hair. If you use them to frequently or you use some are very strong you will may be suffering serious hair loss and if this happens to you then you need to stop this immediately.

As you can see there are made causes of hair loss in women and many are treatable. Sometimes just by taking vitamin supplements or change your shampoo or just changing your diet can prevent drastic loss of hair in women and enable you to grow your hair back.

If you notice your losing more than 100 hairs a day or that your hair is visibly thinning you need to take action as soon as possible before becomes any worse. The soon you do something about this the sooner you can stop it and grow your hair back.

Here is the #1 solution to Prevent hair loss now, just click here to stop losing hair.

Examine The Causes of Thinning Hair in Women much more

The Causes of Thinning Hair in Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Losing your hair is not just a problem that affects men as male pattern baldness. Thinning hair in women is a major issue that can be temporary or permanent. The causes can vary from temporary changes in your body, such as during pregnancy, to hormone sensitivities on the scalp.

This article will explain the two types of thinning hair that can occur in women and the causes.

Temporary Hair Loss for Women

Also known as Telogen Effluvium, is hair loss that can occur at different points in a women's life. It usually clears itself up after the source of the problem is fixed. This type of thinning hair can be caused by:

Going on or off birth control
Hormone Imbalances

This is not a complete list of the possible causes by any means but it's to illustrate that a major lifestyle or health change is usually the cause of this type of hair loss. It's important that you still visit your doctor even if you believe the issue to only be temporary. The cause could be something that shouldn't be overlooked.
birth control, pregnancy, hormone imbalance, illness

Hormone Sensitivity

The more permanent type of thinning hair in women is a hormone sensitivity on the scalp. Also known as Androgentic Alopecia, this type of hair loss is caused by a sensitivity to the hormone DHT. Similar to mens hair thinning DHT attaches itself to hair follicles and basically shrinks them until they fall off and are no longer capable of growing hair.

This form of thinning hair in women can be treated how ever it's important that you see your doctor as soon as you notice symptoms of hair loss. Since hormone imbalances or other illnesses can be the cause a set of blood tests will likely be suggested by your physician to get to the root of the problem.

While many of the treatments available are tailored specifically for men there are some hair loss shampoos that can be used for both men and women. It's advisable that you start to treat the symptoms of thinning hair as soon as you can. The sooner you can stop your hair from falling out the better chance you'll have of regrowing the hair you've lost.

To learn more about potential hair loss treatments [] for women visit our website at We have comparisons and reviews of non prescription treatments that can help.

Read through Factors Causing Hair Loss in Women a lot more

Men are not the only one suffering from hair loss, as women do too but it is not often discuss. This is because many women find hair loss something unusual, embarrass even. Below are few factors that cause women to lose their hair

i) Hormones

Hormone plays important roles in women's body including influencing monthly cycle, temperature and even losing their crowning glory. This happens due to the changes in the hormone.

Thinning and hairloss is due to the imbalance of estrogen and testosterones. The imbalance of hormones can happen during pregnancy, post pregnancy, menopause and also puberty. That is why many women realized that they are losing their hair when they shower. Visiting your doctor will help in making you less worry as they are solutions to this problem. For example, women who are going through menopause might have a hormone replacement therapy and the thickness of the hair can be seen.

For pregnant women there is nothing much that can be done but to tell yourself that your hair will be back after you give birth.

As for teenagers, many look at the option of a low dose of birth control pill. By using this pill, it helps to balance back the imbalance hormones. With this, hair starts to grow back. But, always discuss with your doctor before taking this pill.

ii) Medication

If your hairloss starts when you started on some medication, seek advice from your doctor. Your doctor will probably change your medication so that it will not affect your hair.

iii) Stress

Stress can trigger almost everything undesirable. If you think that the cause of your hair loss is due to stress, find a way to reduce stress in your life. Talk to someone that you are close to as talking works best. Other than that, exercise can get rid off stress as you 'let it out' along with your sweat. If your job is making you stressful, look for other job in order to make yourself happy again.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Besides hydrotherapy and herbal remedies, it's advisable to learn about minerals and vitamins for hair loss in order to further minimise the chances of suffering hair loss. You can good tips and other hair loss information, such as treatment of hair loss using minoxidil, from this popular site -

Factors Causing Hair Loss in Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Go through 5 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women extra

5 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

American's spend 38 billion dollars per year on hair care products!  I hope you would agree that what ever you spend on tells you what you value.  It is apparent by the amount of money we spend on hair care products that we place high importance on our hair.  It is no wonder that women who suffer from hair loss are so greatly affected.  Often times hair loss in women causes self-esteem issues, lack of confidence, and shame.

Most Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women:

*  Genetics:  If you hair loss runs in your family then you are immediately at a higher risk than the general population.  There are studies on going that are examining this relationship between genetics and hair loss.

*  Menopause:  As a woman ages her hormone levels change.  Hormones, such as estrogen, are not produced like they were when she was younger.  Decreased estrogen levels significant hair loss and thinning.

*  Medications:  Many commonly prescribe medications are associated with hair loss in women.  These medications include chemotherapy, diabetes medications, and antidepressants.

*  Medical Conditions:  Alopecia is a condition affecting human, in which hair is lost from areas of the body especially the kid.  Scalp infections and diseases like diabetes can also cause hair loss.

*  Stress and Anxiety:  Stress is unavoidable.  Fortunately only situations of extreme stress cause hair loss these may include life changing events, death, divorce, financial stress can all lead to hair loss.

Treatment for Hair Loss:

*  Female Hair Loss Products:  Dependent upon the type, there are several, although limited, options.  There are hair loss products on the market specifically for women.  This is important, because male products are not advised and can, indeed, be dangerous.  These products will slow the hair loss process and may stimulate some regrowth. 

*  Hair Transplant:  Surgical procedures are available and are effective for patterned hair loss, because hair from one part of the head can be transplanted to the thinning areas.  However, these options are expensive and not covered by health insurance. 

Mark Hall is a freelance writer for [], He has researched many projects in order to find the best hair loss products []. Go to his site to find out more about the issues discussed in this article.

Study Women With Hair Loss - What Are the Causes? far more

Just because you see more bald men in public does not mean that women do not lose their hair. In fact, studies have shown that forty percent of American women experience thinning hair before they reach the age of forty. Although losing hair does not result in death, unless it is a symptom of an underlying disease, it can have an adverse effect on a person's self-esteem and confidence. This is especially true for women since society has programmed our minds to associate hair with female beauty. A long, healthy, shiny hair is greatly admired and often depicted in shampoo commercials, an image that many women aspire for. Thus, nobody thinks twice when a bald man walks around in public but women with hair loss will get second looks.

What is hair loss? The medical term for it is alopecia and there are many known type of this medical condition. The first is involutional alopecia, which is the gradual thinning of the hair due to a person's age. When a person is already advanced in years, most of the hair follicles are in the resting phase and the ones that grow become fewer; thus, the hair becomes thinner. Another type is androgenic alopecia, which occurs in both men and women. A common term for men is male pattern baldness and for women, female pattern baldness. This condition is genetic and can occur as early as the teenage years or early twenties. Men who have male pattern baldness have receding hairlines and bald patches in the crown of their heads. In contrast, the women experience thinning hair in all parts of the scalp.

There are several factors that lead to thinning loss in women. Although experts have not identified the reason why some hair follicles do not last as long as the others, they all agree that genes do play a significant part in determining whether a person will suffer from hair loss or not. Some conditions are temporary though. This occurs after a severe illness or to someone who is undergoing extreme stress, or to women who have just given birth. There have also been reported cases during pregnancy. Medications and medical treatments can also cause women with hair loss, the most obvious is chemotherapy. Examples of these drugs include contraceptives, anticoagulants and retinoids.

Women who often go to beauty salons for perms, hair bleaches and dyes might find that their hair is thinning. The chemicals used in these procedures do not cause one to lose their hair but they do result in the hair strands becoming brittle and unhealthy. Tight braids and hot curlers also damage hair and scar follicles, which can lead to permanent baldness in some areas of the hair.

No woman wants to involuntarily lose her hair because her crowning glory is a significant part of her personality. However, this condition can occur to some. Fortunately, for women with hair loss, it can be treated or avoided.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women
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Women With Hair Loss - What Are the Causes?

Understand How to Stop Hair Loss in Women After Pregnancy extra

The sheer joy of motherhood is inexplicable. You have waited so long for your angel to finally come out and now that you have safely delivered your first child, you've had the chance to look in the mirror and wonder, how to stop hair loss in women after pregnancy. You may be uncertain about what's happening.

Every day, you lose lots of strands that there are already balding spots on your head at the moment. It is a good thing that your doctor has reassured you that you are quite healthy, so you did not jump into conclusions that something may be wrong.

It is best that you learn more about the condition and find ways to conquer such, so that you can continue marveling at your newborn without getting bothered with your mane.

What you are going through is referred to as telogen effluvium or post-pregnancy hair loss. This is being experienced by about 50 percent of women who have given birth. While this may cause panic, especially when the balding spots become prominent, the condition is only temporary. You can help in relieving yourself from it by following essential guides on how to stop hair loss in women after pregnancy.

1. You have to eat right. Aside from getting prepped up for being a mother, you also have to eat the kinds of foods that will be beneficial for your mane and scalp. These include lots of fruits and vegetables, especially the kinds that have antioxidants and flavonoids that serve as protection of the follicles of your mane. These can also help in speeding up the process of growing your tresses.

You also need to take supplements and vitamins that contain elements that will be beneficial to your mane. Vitamins E, C, B complex and zinc help in making the mane healthier and stronger.

2. Look at your shampoo and make sure that you are using something that has silica or biotin. These ingredients help in stimulating the growth of the follicle and in making the mane stronger. You can use this on a regular basis and it is recommended that you rinse your mane with cold water for this step to become more effective.

3. Use a wide-toothed combed in styling your crowning glory. This will lessen the stress that your mane gets exposed to. As much as possible, you have to avoid pulling your mane in excess. It will help if you are going to stay away from styles that can stretch the mane, which can worsen the condition. While you are still dealing with the problem, it is best that you avoid styling your tresses in braids, weaves and rollers. Your scalp needs to relax at this time and it cannot bear any more traumas.

4. Even though the tasks involve in being a mother are mostly stressful, you have to find ways to de-stress on a regular basis. Your emotions will also have a huge effect on your mane and when you are undergoing too much stress, you will notice that there will be more strands that will fall off from your crop.

Motherhood is delightful, but it will be more fun if you will look and feel good about yourself as well now that the baby is out. You will benefit a lot from learning more about how to stop hair loss in women after pregnancy.

Hair Loss In Women

Still sick and tired of suffering from hair loss & thinning hair and you might have tried everything in a desperate attempt to revitalize your hair but with no permanent result?

If you have 2 minutes, then I will show you "The New Natural Hair Loss Treatment & Hair Re-growth Solution For MEN and WOMEN! It has been proven in clinical studies to prevent hair loss and promote re-growth in 90% of test participants.

The dual action solution will put a dead stop to any hair loss or thinning you might be experiencing plus stimulates the growth of strong, thick, silky hair that will get you noticed wherever you go!

To prevent further hair loss or seek hair re-growth, visit HarVokse Dual Action Solution

How to Stop Hair Loss in Women After Pregnancy

Hair Loss In Women

Read Thinning Hair in Women Causes - Thinning Hair is More Common in Women These Days extra

Thinning Hair in Women Causes - Thinning Hair is More Common in Women These Days

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Causes of Thinning Hair in Women

Most women will start to have thinning of the hair as they age, but there are certain causes of thinning hair that will dramatically speed up this process. When most women hit menopause their hormones get thrown out balance, which can affect the way their whole body functions and reacts to things. Most women who go through menopause find that their hair has become thinner, but there are some women who are far from the age of menopause that also suffer from thinning hair.

The causes of hair loss in women are many

Extreme physical and emotional stress can cause thinning of the hair in women. If a woman is going through a very stressful time in her life, she may find that her hair starts to fall out more rapidly. This also goes for physical stress, such as extreme diets or exercise programs that push her body to it's physical limits.

Hormonal imbalances can also cause thinning of the hair. When a woman's hormones are thrown out of the proper balance, it can knock the entire body out of sync, which can lead to extreme hair loss.

Genetics also plays a part in thinning of the hair. Some women are just genetically prone to thinner hair as they get older.

Some other common causes of thinning hair in women are:

nutritional deficiencies
immune system problems
thyroid disease
radiation/chemotherapy treatment

Any one of these causes can make a woman suffer from thinning of the hair hair that may lead to bald spots or even complete baldness. With many of these causes such as surgery, hormonal imbalances, and allergies, once the stressor or cause is gone from the woman's life, hair will start to re-grow at a normal rate.

If you are a woman looking for a cure for your hair loss, I highly recommend you try out Provillus for women. Provillus is the only topical and dietary supplement approved by the FDA to regrow hair for women. Check out my personal review of it here: []

Understand Reasons for Hair Loss In Women additional

Reasons for Hair Loss In Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women could be because of several reasons. Low thyroid hormone levels, hormonal imbalance during menopause, nutritional imbalance and certain skin disorders are the most common causes. The treatment depends on the cause and once diagnosed can be treated as well. A balanced diet and restful sleep will help to solve the problem to some extent. Hair fall in women is a serious problem. There are many reasons of this hair fall. The hair fall in women can be really embarrassing sometimes. It is important that the women note the reasons of this hair fall and try to avoid it. You may need to see a doctor in this regard. See a doctor and get your hair back from the damaging situation. This will be a great help if you can do that. You will help your self by making the hair fall speed slow.

Smoking is the single most important cause of the production of free radicals or toxins that can cause the disease and lead to hair fall. Smoking also depletes Vitamin C store from the body thus lowering the body immunity. Reasons for hair fall in women are also due to fungal infection or severe dandruff deficiency of protein in the diet, iron deficiency, stress, certain medications for example for typhoid, malaria etc.

Some medications like oral contraceptives, blood pressure medication, anti-depressants like Prozac and lithium, cholesterol controlling medicines, drugs like cocaine also cause hair loss.

Heredity has nothing to do with hair loss. Anemia endocrine problems, gynecological related problems like ovarian tumors, tissue connected diseases like lupus, emotional stress and crash diet causes hair fall.

Lack of minerals and vitamins and acids in hair treatments damages the hair follicles, to such an extent that the hair stops growing. Women tend to loose large amount of hair after child-birth. Major surgeries, chronic illnesses, several injection results in hair loss.

Androgenic Alopecia, here the hair on top of the scalp thins out making the hair less voluminous.

The reason of hair loss in women is as extensive as in men. But the degree of hair fall is less severe than men. Hair loss in women is not socially acceptable. It could leave women devastated, confused and helpless. But don't panic there are products in the market which control hair fall by 85 %. As the above discussion shows, there are many reasons of hair loss in women. It is important that the reason of losing hair is judged as quickly as possible. Without doing so, it will not be possible for you to stop the hair fall. The reasons are numerous. The imbalance of minerals in your body can be a simple reason that can create the entire problem for you.

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about reasons for hair loss in women [] visit Stop Male Pattern Baldness [] for current articles and discussions.