Men are not the only one suffering from hair loss, as women do too but it is not often discuss. This is because many women find hair loss something unusual, embarrass even. Below are few factors that cause women to lose their hair
i) Hormones
Hormone plays important roles in women's body including influencing monthly cycle, temperature and even losing their crowning glory. This happens due to the changes in the hormone.
Thinning and hairloss is due to the imbalance of estrogen and testosterones. The imbalance of hormones can happen during pregnancy, post pregnancy, menopause and also puberty. That is why many women realized that they are losing their hair when they shower. Visiting your doctor will help in making you less worry as they are solutions to this problem. For example, women who are going through menopause might have a hormone replacement therapy and the thickness of the hair can be seen.
For pregnant women there is nothing much that can be done but to tell yourself that your hair will be back after you give birth.
As for teenagers, many look at the option of a low dose of birth control pill. By using this pill, it helps to balance back the imbalance hormones. With this, hair starts to grow back. But, always discuss with your doctor before taking this pill.
ii) Medication
If your hairloss starts when you started on some medication, seek advice from your doctor. Your doctor will probably change your medication so that it will not affect your hair.
iii) Stress
Stress can trigger almost everything undesirable. If you think that the cause of your hair loss is due to stress, find a way to reduce stress in your life. Talk to someone that you are close to as talking works best. Other than that, exercise can get rid off stress as you 'let it out' along with your sweat. If your job is making you stressful, look for other job in order to make yourself happy again.
Causes Of Hair Loss In WomenBesides hydrotherapy and herbal remedies, it's advisable to learn about minerals and vitamins for hair loss in order to further minimise the chances of suffering hair loss. You can good tips and other hair loss information, such as treatment of hair loss using minoxidil, from this popular site -