Losing hair or watching it progressively thin is difficult for many people to accept, but for women it can be even more difficult. We are more accustomed to seeing receding hairlines or thinning hair on men, not that it is an easy condition for men either, but society is a bit more accepting of male-patterned baldness. The only time we expect to see balding in women is when they are going through specific medical treatments like chemotherapy.
Most Common Causes of Female Hair Loss
One of the main causes of hair loss in women, and men for that matter, is androgenetic alopecia, more commonly called male or female-patterned baldness. While many see this as a male problem, it affects a large number of women as well. It is the kind that runs in the family, on either side of the family.
Hormone imbalances are another big contributor. A hormone imbalance can be caused by a variety of things including pregnancy, oral contraception, a thyroid problem or menopause to name just a few. In most cases this only causes temporary hair loss in women and once the hormones are balanced the thinning will stop and regrowth will occur.
A high level of physical or emotional stress can also cause an alopecia. This can be triggered by a particularly stressful event like a death in the family or a divorce.
Other Causes Of Hair Loss in Women
There are a number of other things that can cause thinning or balding in women. Certain medications, outside of birth control, can cause a problem with this, as well as treatment for certain medical conditions like chemotherapy and radiation.
Areata alopecia is an autoimmune condition that causes the body to attack the hair follicles. This can result in patchy thinning or balding spots.
Certain hairstyles can cause traction alopecia in some women. Styles that constantly pull on the hair like tight ponytails, extensions or cornrows. Over processing can also cause hair to become damaged and brittle, but this is generally different than true alopecia in women.
In some cases diet can play a role, things like fad diets or severe eating disorder can cause a nutritional deficiency leading to female hair loss.
In the case of androgenic alopecia, or if there is a temporary hair loss and you want to promote new hair growth products like Provillus can be helpful. But it is important to see a doctor to figure out the specific cause in order to find the best hair loss treatment method.
Find out where to Buy Provillus for Women or learn more about how to prevent hair loss.