Generally, when you think about hair loss, an assumption that you tend to make is that it mainly, or only affects men. That however, isn't the case. Women are affected by the condition too, in fact, as many as 1 in 4 women experience the condition at some point in their lifetime. Scary thought when you think about it, especially as it seems non-existent in women.
Why is it, then, that we never ever hear about women suffering from the condition? I have several theories on the subject: Women are masters of disguise, and that includes disguising loss of hair.
Women's loss of hair is evenly spread across the whole head, rather than a couple of spots losing all of its -luscious locks. And finally, they just don't lose as much hair as men do.
I find each of these theories as viable as the next, but whatever the reason, we rarely hear about a woman going bald. Anyway, lets move on to the causes of the condition in women.
Surprisingly, many women share the same reasons as men for hair loss- pattern baldness. This is a reaction to the male hormones present in the body. Generally in women, the condition makes itself known later because of the female hormones present, and is less extreme. Still, however, it is the very same condition as male pattern baldness.
Is your immune system in good condition? You may be thinking that it is an odd question to ask, but if your immune system is not in tip top condition, that could be the root of your problem. The condition that is supposedly caused by a weak immune system (although not yet completely proven) is the condition Alopecia areata. It's most recognisable symptom is patchy areas of hair loss on the head, or indeed anywhere in the body. As it stands at the moment, there is little information about the condition, other than it is caused by a weak immune system.
Do check with your doctor if you experience hair loss, as it could be caused by a more severe condition.
In searching for more information on the causes of sudden hair loss I found a great website called []. I found this invaluable in finding a solution to my problem and if you or someone close to you suffers from this then you should check it out now.