Hair loss is common in men and not seen in women. This is a fallacy, as baldness is found in women too. If your hair loss problem is not addressed at the right time, then, you may be unable to face your family and friends. Other negative aspects are that it affects your personality to a great extent, you lose your self confidence, shy yourself from any social events, social gatherings, parties and other functions. You may feel that the whole world is crashing down on you.
Men can always shave of their hair and still look good. The fairer sex cannot face such situations as a woman is always looked upon as someone who has beautiful tresses, thick and long. This is the common stereotype that people have about women. The picture of men doesn't always conjure up beautiful hair, there is not enough attention given to men's hair, so much as it is given to the fairer sex. Hence, it becomes more important for women to take care of their hair, not to be ignored as men's hair too. Some women with bald heads find it difficult to get a good marriage proposal, where ever they go, they are ridiculed by others. This further deteriorates their self esteem.
Causes of female hair fall:
Polycystic ovaries
High fever/typhoid
Hormonal imbalances
Stress and tension
Cancerous cells
Chemicals - hair colour
Post pregnancy
Excessive tablets taken for other health problems
Under nourishment /Improper diet
Lack of conditioner.
When hair loss is caused due to the above reasons, it can be tackled by finding out the root cause. A prior testing of your hair is required in addition to your daily regime and your diet. Dihydrotestosterone is a male hormone, which can be present in woman too. If this is the case, such hormones damage the hair follicles, thus causing hair fall. A proper dose of estrogen can stop such shedding of hair. Usually, women face more difficulties in case a heavy dose of chemical is used, it may have an impact on their hormones. Always look for safer modes of hair treatment. Soon after your hair problem is resolved, your scalp will return to its normal state.
The other common cause of hair loss in middle aged women is the menopausal stage. This is due to the drop in the estrogen level and hormone replacement therapy can work wonders in this case, not only to tackle your hair loss but also deal with your severe menopausal symptoms.
Causes Of Hair Loss In WomenKirthy Shetty, Platinum author
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