Read Total Hair Loss Among Women additional

While it's normal for women to experience a level of hair loss, something is terribly wrong when it gets to the level of baldness which is so common among men. There are a few cases though when women will experience total hair loss and this will become a cause of great concern among them. We take time to learn just what happens and cause this distressing condition that leaves women devastated.

At any given moment in your life close to 85% of your hair will be growing while the remaining 15% will be resting. This is because your active hair follicles normally cause hair to grow at the rate of about ½ an inch monthly with every hair strand having a lifespan of between two to six years. Baldness among women occurs when the hair that falls out is not replaced as it ought to be.

The growth and production of your hair can be seriously affected by any changes in the levels of endocrine hormones. This is normally the case when there are hormonal changes associated with menopause that normally causes the hair to thin out while the face succumbs to wrinkles and fine lines. While the hair follicles may remain active there could be no new hair growing hence the baldness that comes to take effect.

If you believe that you are experiencing female baldness you may need to see a specialist doctor who will observe your hair and try to find the cause by observing so as to rule out possible causes. What follows after that will be a skin biopsy or any other recommended medical procedure that bring out any medical conditions that could be causing total hair loss. The good news is that in most cases, no matter how much hair a woman loses, permanent female baldness almost always never occurs.

There are a number of treatment methods for baldness in women that your doctor may want to consider. One common modern form of treatment is hair transplants that includes the removal hair plugs from areas that are still full and planting them in the balding area. This is a fairly expensive procedure because it will require a number of sessions.

You will also have to expect some form of scarring and of course a modest risk of infection. When this has been done successfully you can be sure that the results will b something worth writing home about. The easier alternative could be trying to disguise the effect by weaving, using hair pieces or perhaps doing some clever hair styling; this could be the easiest and safest way to deal with total hair loss in women.

Hair Loss In Women

The author of this article is a beauty expert and has written many articles on prevention of hair loss. If you are experiencing hair loss and are looking to buy hair loss treatments and products then check out

Total Hair Loss Among Women

Hair Loss In Women