Study Is Female Hormonal Hair Loss One of The Causes of Balding in Women? far more

Let's face it female hormonal hair loss can be one of the causes in balding in women. If you find yourself being one of the almost 40% of women who experience hair loss I know you want to do everything possible to fix it.

You are probably asking yourself I really don't know any of my friends that are losing their hair. You are probably right because women don't lose their hair as much as men do. Unlike men a woman's hair loss goes through a thinning process so it takes a period of time to become noticeable.

As a woman you are blessed with a hormone called estrogen which helps balance out the big hair loss culprit called DHT. Actually DHT is short for dihydrotestosterone. If you will notice the last half of that long word spells testosterone which a big factor of hair loss in men.

I don't know if you know this but women have testosterone just like men do but at much lower levels. So it seems as a woman with low levels of testosterone and the estrogen to help balance it out why you should be stuck with your hair falling out.

One answer to that question is that your hormones may be out of balance therefore resulting in one of the causes of hair loss in women. So ask yourself this is the imbalance of my feminine hormones the cause of my hair falling out.

So what could be some of the reasons that could cause your hormones to lose their balance therefore causing you to lose your hair?

If you have been taking birth control pills for a long period of time and decide to stop taking them for health reasons or to try to get pregnant this can throw your hormones out of whack and cause temporary hair loss.

A lot of women when they are pregnant have a nice full of head of hair. This is because during pregnancy your hormone levels change and any hair loss goes through a kind of resting inactive stage.

Once your baby is delivered the hormones go back to normal levels therefore causing some of your hair to fall out. Not to worry over a period of time your hair should return back to pre-pregnancy levels.

You may have an under active thyroid that is not producing enough hormones. One of the side effects of this condition can be loss of your hair. This can also affect other parts of your body such as your eyebrows.

Also a lot of women approaching menopause can see their estrogen levels starting to fall. As we discussed earlier with your estrogen hormone levels falling they fail to play a big part in protecting you against DHT a big factor in hair loss.

Any hormone balance condition should be discussed with your doctor so the proper tests can be performed to get you back on the right track to perfectly balanced hormones and the re-growth of your hair.

Although sometimes after treatment all your hair will not grow back or the process of growing your hair back will be very slow. Don't let this concern you because there are options you can take advantage of to help you to get back that full head of hair.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

I have a hair growing option that any woman experiencing female hormonal hair loss should consider. I would like for you to go over to my website and watch a very informative video. Pay close attention to the way any woman with hair loss can be helped. Just go over to

Is Female Hormonal Hair Loss One of The Causes of Balding in Women?

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women