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Hair Loss In Women

Majority of hair loss in women is caused by vitamin deficiency. Deficiencies of vitamins A, B6, C, and B12 are the chief cause of hair loss women deficiency.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps the scalp to create sebum. Sebum plays a significant role in the lubrication of the hair roots. This lubrication prevents hair from getting dry. Dry hair has a high likelihood of becoming brittle. Brittle hair, in turns, has a high likelihood of breaking and falling off. Therefore, this A is necessary for health and long-lasting hair. A is mostly found in vegetable and fruits in form of beta-carotene. When an individual consume vegetables and fruits beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A. peaches, spinach, apricots, and carrots are the best source of vitamin A. Other sources of vitamin A include dairy and meat products.

Vitamin B6

Deficiency of supplementation of B6 also causes hair loss. This mineral plays a considerable role in the stimulation of hair growth since it takes part in cell building and blood circulation. Vegetables, liver eggs, and whole grains are the chief sources of vitamin B6.

Vitamin B12

This vitamin promotes the growth of hair as well as strength women hair. A good number of women who suffer hair loss are those who diet. These women mostly do not consume foods that contain B12. Meat and fish offer the best source of vitamin B12. Therefore, vegetarians should consume a lot of B12 supplements. Sunflower seeds and bananas have also been identified as source of Vitamin B12.

Vitamin C

This vitamin also plays a considerable role in prevention of hair loss. This is because it takes part in the synthesize of red blood cells. Sources of vitamin C include tomatoes, kiwi, strawberries, pineapple, and citrus fruits

Vitamin D

Vitamin D boosts and strengthens bones. Researches show that a small amount of D increases human health that slow down hair loss.

Vitamin E

This does promotes proper blood circulation that is necessary for proper growth of hair. Seeds, soyabeans, olive, canola oil, and nuts are the major source of vitamin E. Other sources of vitamin E include black beans, garbanzo, kidney, and pinto.

In conclusion, individuals need to consume a good percentage of foods that are rich in various vitamins. They play key role in preventing hair loss and promoting health hair. All individuals should ensure that their diet contain foods that are rich in vitamins.

David C. Brown holds a Master of Education from Texas A@M University in College Station, Texas and a Bachelor of Science in Education from Midwestern State in Wichita Falls, Texas If you find this article helpful, please visit my website. http://www.natural-hairloss-prevention.com

Trying To Prevent Major Hair Loss In Women

Hair Loss In Women